Friday, April 10, 2020

More time in Texas

82º with heavy overcast here in La Feria, TX at 1:30 pm Friday

Got .35" of rain overnight, though we didn't hear it rain.  Forecast was for some hail and hard storms to the west of us, though haven't heard of any damage, etc.


When cleaning up the trimmings from the bushes in the back yard I discovered I was standing in a mound of red ants.  This was a couple days ago and they left some definite marks.
       Have had three ducks flying around in the park lately.  A bit unusual.

Made a trip to the grocery store yesterday, with masks and latex gloves.  99 out of 100 people did have on face masks -- as required by law in our county now account Covid-19.
Wonder how much cheaper gas will get?

Last many days have been riding trike within the park - put on 18 miles for 4 days, then 19, then 13, and 18 - will try to add to the 8 miles I rode this morning this afternoon.

Left our home in Clarinda, IA on October 11th last year. Spent some time visiting relatives and doing some sight-seeing on the way down here to our Texas home and arrived October 20th.  So--we left our north home 6 months ago tomorrow.  Wonder when the Coronovirus thing will let up and we can head north.


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