Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Cool, cool, cool

63º here in Kenwood at 11:13 am on Wednesday with a really cool north wind blowing.  Cool front came in Sunday evening and got really seriously cool Monday.  We rode the trikes about 4 miles this morning and are in getting warmed up now.

Some time ago I ran the video while riding around the park, showing the units still here Click HERE 

Have worked up to 20 miles per day - at least have done it two days now.  Not all in one ride, think was 4 different times yesterday.

Have gotten a dozen grape sized tomatoes or so from plants

Have pretty much trimmed the very tall bougainvillea plant in the back yard.  We planted it some 8 or 9 years ago and this is the first time trimmed back.

Brought some of the flowers in for Phyllis and also took some to neighbors Neher's and Finken's.

 On Sunday evenings we try to catch Rory Feek and his daughter Indiana on RFD-TV at 8:00 pm Central.  His life story (or at least some of it) he and  his wife Joy had a music life and lots of TV performances.  Several years ago, their daughter was born with Downs Syndrome and at the same time Joy was diagnosed with cancer.  She died 2 years later.  You can catch many of their earlier programs on TV at times.  Check out his web page at HERE

Sunset one recent evening

Phyllis visiting with neighbor Bobi Raab.  The Raabs are flying home to Minneapolis tomorrow.

Phyllis had been in touch with her first cousin Anita Kuhlman Snook for some time about the fact that her brother, Les, had contracted the Covid-19 and was in a hospital in Sterling, Colorado where he lived.  He had been traveling abroad in early March.  Was in ICU for many days and finally passed April 11th.  We had visited him and his wife Jo several times as we went to Colorado to see Phyllis' sister.  These two photos are the last time we saw them, I think, in 2016.  She had had a stroke and was having mental acuity problems and had been confined to a nursing home.  Les would see her many times a day when he was home.  She, of course, was not allowed to see him in the hospital and is having a hard time understanding what has happened.

This photo was taken, I assume, sometime in the early 1960's.  Phyllis' Mom's Sister Mary Ruth is at the right side of photo.  She passed away in the mid 1960's from cancer.
We bought the house they are in front of from Les, Anita and Rhoda's dad Bill in 1971 and lived there for 38 years.

Rhoda passed away several years ago, as did their father Bill.

Nothing exciting going on here.  Waiting until the Covid-19 thing settles down before we head north.


GROANER'S CORNER:((  Duct tape is like 'The Force'...It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
- Arab cannibal's favourite flavour: Yemen-lime.

- At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be "What Is Hell?" Come early and listen to our choir practice.

- Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use the large double door at the side entrance.


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