Friday, April 3, 2020

Maybe rain tonight

79º at 9:30 here in La Feria, TX.  Humid - clouds to the west this afternoon and we are promised rain sometime tonight.  Very, Very dry here.  Weatherman on Channel 4 said we could have a 5 inch slow rain and not have any runoff other than the cement roads.
Brownsville is 30 miles south east of us.

Took this while riding my recumbent trike today -- put on 15.5 miles.  Last two days rode 12 miles each day.

Finished taking the leaves off the older roof.  Still have a little to clean off the newer roof to the north.  The gloves I am using were Cousin Kent Miles' gloves -- Karen gave them to me last December when we were in San Diego.
Had two flats at same time!  Guess it could have been 3

Hardly any traffic while peddling.

Looking back at April photos for the last 10 years and we were never still in Kenwood this late.  Usually have plans for several stops, and where to park the trailer, etc.  But, everything is up in the air and we are just in suspension now.  Should have gone to Iowa a month ago as things are tightening up on travel, for the Covid-19 Virus now.  Here in Cameron County, where we live, positive Covid-19 Virus cases has risen to 50.  Sheriff's office and other law enforcement are to stop anyone with 3 or more in a car.  And, any can be stopped and if not on an essential trip to Work, Doctor, Pharmacy, or Grocery Store are being fined $1,000 and sent back home.

Hanging around - Lynn

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