Tuesday, February 12, 2019

'Nuther day

62º with heavy overcast in La Feria, TX at 10:45 am as I start this.

Phyllis' cousin Jan Guthrie Frye and her husband Lynn, who farm just south of Lincoln, NE, are on a retreat from the cold and snow up north.  They are staying in Llano Grande RV west of us; and, came over last night and we went out to eat at Golden Corral in Harlingen and had a good visit.  They will be heading north in a week or so, hoping some of the cold and snow will have dissipated.

Looks like they added some higher walls to the RC race track

Don Ferguson was given a pair of glasses to better
read the huge cards they use for dime bingo!
Phyllis had 70-some people for Bingo and then eating Pizza and Salad bar at Gatti's Pizza Monday noon.  Getting back into the work routine.
"Pop" Bob Baldridge and wife Joyce

Here are some more photos of around the ship on our cruise.  The Saturday Bluegrass session was from 8:00 am to 10:30 am so there was a lot of activity around the water slide area, and photos that evening.
The Baldridge family getting a professional photo taken

Patty & Phyllis watching the water slide activity

Getting a taste of "Guy's" hamburger

Some people kept busy in the casino, both gambling and smoking

I was doing some Zumba exercises that were being called
on the deck below us.
Got to head to Weslaco, then McAllen for Barbershop Choir practice.
Have reports of heavy snows in southwest Iowa.
Later, Lynn

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