Monday, February 25, 2019


62º with heavy overcast in La Feria, TX at 10:00 am Monday as I start this.  Realize haven't posted for a few days, so here goes--
In Progreso, Mexico Saturday - this thing is probably
3 feet high by 30" wide by 3 feet front to back.
Have no idea why anyone would want to hang
this in their house, shop, business, etc.

Getting a shoe shine in Mexico

This store had a lot of painted benches and chairs.
Ran from $300 to $600

More shopping in Progreso

  Spent several hours in  Nuevo Progreso, Tamaulipas,
Mexico  on Saturday, I followed to ladies who looked in many stores, and did purchase some items.  We ate at Arturo's Bar & Grill there.
Patty & Phyllis at the table

They had a man playing the piano during the lunch hour
Well, it is 8:30 at night and I guess I strayed away from this.  Will close up and add something else when I get around to it.

Our Grandson-in Law Heath

This quartet from my Barbershop Chorus sang for our 50th Wedding celebration at Kenwood. 
Taking Patty to the plane in the morning and she will be back in snow-land of SW Iowa by tomorrow night.


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