Monday, September 24, 2018

Nice weekend visiting the "kids"

77º in ,Clarinda IA at 5:45 pm Monday as I start this.

Got to our home here in Clarinda just before 1 pm today.  Had stopped to visit a bit with our good friends in Villisca, IA, Mary Jo & Oliver Herzberg and she had fixed some soup for lunch so we got some good soup and a nice visit with them.  They got us going to the Rio Grande Valley about 10 years ago, though they are unable to go south in the winter any more.
Mary Jo and Phyllis on Herzberg's front porch today.
Our place & neighbor to the west.

Our place today.
South and west of Des Moines, IA we must have seen 300-400
new wind turbines and many, many in construction.
Saw a lot of corn and beans on the way from Marengo - a little bit harvested, but the few
machines we saw running were dragging a lot of mud.  Some fields still green, most looking close to harvest.

Great Granddaughter right in the middle of everything

Jessica is either asleep or going 100 mile an hour.  Here GGrandma got her to sit a bit to read to her.

She sat with Mickey Mouse for a bit with her Aunt Emily and Em's boyfriend Derik

Mom is giving Jessica a "sled ride" across the carpet in a Tote box

Jessica found she could cover up Aunt Em with the box!

Or, she could fall into it and roll it over.

Box making a pretty good toy.

Think G Grandma is getting some instruction from Jessica

Grandma Patty helping Jessica sort some fuzzy toys

Great Grandma Phyllis and Mommy Ashley with Jessica
one evening at supper time.
I was "helping" Jessica with her nap!

Burned a lot of branches, etc. by the railroad track behind their place.

Pushing Jessica on the swing

Saturday afternoon Cam cut most of a damaged apple tree down
and we helped haul it to the burn pile.

Cam working on the tree

Miss Silly at the supper table

Jessica at a restaurant Sunday

Derik and Emily just moved into this house in What Cheer, IA
a week ago.

Later, Lynn

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