Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Some pictures from Miles Family reunions

I have been moving VCR tapes to digital and going through old photos on the computer or DVD's I have.  I am putting on here some pictures of several Miles family reunions, and some others I found.  The one at right was in Colorado Springs, Colorado in 1996 at cousin Rosemarie Koch's place.  Click on photos to enlarge.

Carolyn Miles and Darrell Miles in Shelbyville, IL in 1988

Jerry, Rosemarie, and Darin Koch.

Group picture Shelbyville, IL 1988

Donald, Darrell,  Louise, Lynn, & Roger Miles
in 1994 - not sure where this was taken.

In Shelbyville, IL - Donald, Lynn, Louise, Darrell & Roger Miles
all of Kermit & Pearl Miles family.

Descendants of Alonzo Miles (my grandpa)

Brother Roger Miles' family: Angie, Carolyn, Roger, Julie and Keith 1988 in Shelbyville

Dad's sister Wilma with her son Luis & wife Ann with daughter Louise on right.

Aunt Wilma and daughter-in-law Patty watching the picture-taking.
Our family in 1997 Patty, Cam, Phyllis, Lynn and Michelle in back.
Ashley and Emily in front.
At left, my Dad Kermit behind mom Pearl.  Next mom's sister-in-law Addie Johnson,
then Sylvester Rourke behind mom's sister Emma; Mom's brother Walter is
at the end of the couch with his wife Cora making an escape.
 This photo and ones below were taken in 1974 when my Mom & Dad were celebrating their 45th Wedding Anniversary.
My folk's grand-kids:  Cameron, Angie, Julie, Jennie and Michelle.

Mom with sister Emma and brother Walter

My dad with our kids Michelle and Cameron - 1974
Lin, Darrell, Jonathan and Phyllis at Darrell's Miami house

This photo and those below are from 1995.
My brother Darrell and me with Darrell's boy Jonathan (or JT)

Outside Lin & Darrell's house in Miami

 Lynn & Phyllis Miles with Vicki & Donald Miles (my brother)

My cousin Douglas Miles with Phyllis & myself

A happy Nephew JT

A happy, dancing on the bed JT (Jonathan)

My brother Donald and myself at their "new" place near Jackson, MO

Vicki's mother with Vicki & Donald

A young granddaughter Ashley in 1995- believe she would have been
about 5 or 6 years old.  She now had a 2-year old daughter of her own.

A very young granddaughter Emily with her Grandma Great Pauline Cabbage

Till next time - Lynn

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