Friday, April 13, 2018

Rough Weather Moving in!

78º and storm moving in here in Clarinda, IA at 7:00  pm.

Headed to Fairway grocery store today -- restocked the food larder here in Clarinda after being gone so long.

Gas is $2.559 here in Clarinda - highest we have seen anywhere
for a year or so.

We are in a tornado watch and rain is moving in -- high winds and even snow predicted for the weekend with temps down in the lower 20's.  Not Good!

Looking at some figures on trip this winter -- We drove 3,360 miles from Clarinda to our winter home last fall -- went through Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana on the way.  Drove 1,551 coming back this spring through Arkansas, Missouri and home.  GPS shows 1,184 if we drove straight down to Kenwood.

GROANER’S CORNER:(( This example shows the importance of accuracy when submitting your tax return. The IRS returned the Tax Return submitted by a New York City man implying that he answered one of the questions incorrectly.  In response to the question, 'List your dependents”, you wrote: '12.1 million illegal immigrants, 1.1 million crack-heads, 4.4 million unemployed deadbeats, 80,000 criminals in over 85 prisons, at least 450 idiots in Congress and those who call themselves Politicians.' The IRS responded that “this is unacceptable!”  The man's response to the IRS was: 'Who did I leave out?'
A motorist caught by a speed camera received notification of a fine in the mail, plus a picture of his vehicle. Duly impressed, he sent back the notification along with a photo of a $100 note to pay the fine.
Little eight-year-old Nancy was in the garden filling in a hole when her neighbor peered over the fence. Interested in what the youngster was doing, he asked: "What are you doing there, Nancy?"  "My goldfish died," Nancy sobbed. "And I've just buried him."  The obnoxious neighbor laughed and said condescendingly: "That's a really big hole for a little goldfish, don't you think?"  Nancy patted down the last heap of earth with her shovel and replied: "That's because he's inside your cat."

Let you know tomorrow what happens -- Lynn

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