Saturday, April 7, 2018

Cold and snowy in Branson

23º this morning -- several degrees below predictions here in Branson, MO.
What a revolting development this is!  Our trailer is not a 4-season trailer and even with water pump on we only get a trickle of water--then nothing.  Is to be cold until around 10 am so don't know how much damage to pipe lines inside trailer.
Looking out the door early this morning.
In Danna's BBQ

Unique handles!  I have some of them - may try this.

Where we ate lunch Friday before going to "Samson"

Theater that Samson was in
We relocated to Ozark Country Campground Friday

We relocated to Ozark Country Campground Friday

One of 2 museums that contain actual artifacts recovered
from the Titanic in 1986 - other museum is in Pigeon Forge.
Table Rock Dam

We spent several enjoyable hours at this visitors center right
near Table Rock Dam.  Much history and explanation of area.
Steve Baldridge

Bob Baldridge

Shawn Baldridge

Shawn Baldridge
Spent enjoyable couple hours listening to the Goldwing Express - and visiting with them during break and after the program.  We have seen them many times in the Valley and gone on 2 cruises with them.
Interesting special here

Didn't take advantage of this great sale!

Spent an hour or so touring original store of Sam Walton's that
is now a museum of his life and that of Walmart

Pickup Sam drove for many years
 We stopped in Bentonville, Arkansas and toured the Walmart Museum.  Very interesting - I have read two books on him.
I have read a couple of these books

Heading out now to see some of Branson - will go to Dolly Parton Stampede later this afternoon and be able to see the Goldwing Express perform as White Mountain in the preshow.

GROANER’S CORNER:((   After delivering a speech at an elementary school, president George Bush lets the kids ask a few questions. One little boy, Joe raises his hand and asks, “How come you invaded Iraq without the support of the United Nations?”  Just as the president begins to answer, the recess bell rings and he says they’ll continue afterward.  Twenty five minutes later the kids come back to class.
“Where were we?” says the president. “Oh, yes… do you kids have any questions?”  Another boy raises his hand and says, “I have three questions: First, why did you invade Iraq without support from the U.N.? Second, why did the recess bell go off 30 minutes early? And third, where is my buddy Joe?”

A recruit who wasn't really meant to be a soldier went out to the rifle range for the first time. He missed every target and most of the hills behind them.  Despondent, he said to the sergeant, "I think I'll just go and shoot myself."  The sergeant replied, "Better take a couple dozen extra bullets with ya!"

More later, Lynn

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