Thursday, January 4, 2018

Sunshine and warmth

50º with bright sunshine in La Feria, TX at 10:00 am Thursday as I start this.  I just dumped .2" of rain from my rain gauge.  This has come over the last week as it was a steady mist day after day.  Supposed to get all the way up to 62º today and 67º tomorrow!  See it is only 41º in Leesburg, FL - imagine you are appreciating your furnace, Darrell!

These next photos are for you, Mary Jo and Oliver.  Was on my way to Harlingen yesterday and on Business 83 and when came to Emerald Grove I took a swing thru.  Hope you get some memories from the 20 or so years you were there.

Your trailer was to the left

Your trailer was to the left

Carts coming in at Walmart

An electric hoist to pull the electric scooter onto the carrier

Enlarging hole on west wall of Texas room for outlet

At Pot Luck supper Wednesday night

At Pot Luck supper Wednesday night

Harold playing one of his tricks after
playing Pegs & Jokers last night.
Well, is now 1:24 pm, just got back from moving Sew & Share boxes back from Rec hall to Storage Shed and it is 61º with bright sunshine.  This is more like it!

GROANER’S CORNER:((  A famed English explorer was invited to Dartmouth to tell of his adventures in the African jungle.  "Can you imagine, a people so primitive that they love to eat the embryo of certain birds, and slices from the belly of certain animals? And grind up grass seed, make it into paste, burn it over a fire, then smear it with a greasy mess they extract from the mammary fluid of certain other animals?"
When the students looked startled by such barbarism, the explorer added softly, "What I've been describing, of course, is a breakfast of bacon and eggs and buttered toast."

“I spent a summer working on a rabbit farm. It was a hare raising experience.”

Later, Lynn

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