Wednesday, January 24, 2018


54º with rain in La Feria at 3:10 pm Wednesday as I start this.  Been raining much of the day after a cloudy, but warm (67º) day yesterday.

                             Must put in a photo taken off Facebook  of Granddaughter
and little Jesica, our 
Great Granddaughter.

Yesterday, with weather quite nice, the guys with their Radio Controlled cars set up place on the grass at southwest corner of the Park.  In the afternoon they laid out a course by using drainage tile for edges of the course.  Don't have a photo for it yet, but here is the type of tile they are using;

Some watchers, too.

Our Canadian friend Merve returned to the park this year.  Hasn't got a workshop built yet, but since
he is now living full time in the trailer, has all his shop tools under and behind his trailer.

Final practice on the ramps for the Barber Shop group yesterday.  No, the
bass guys aren't giving up, they were to identify themslves.

Lead guys on the back corner.

Friend Dick Messer putting in new battery for me.  Took out the 6-year old
battery, hoping to avoid having it quit at an inopportune time.  As you can see
by the dots at the front, it was just starting to rain, so we got done just in time.
Groaners Corner :))  Why On-Line Colleges are Booming
  • One could attend in the nude and not get sniggered at.
  • Psychopath or beauty queen—they all look the same to the instructor.
  • Nobody knows if you cheat.
  • No football or basketball games to go to.
  • No running between classes on a frigid December morning.
  • No mandatory PE classes to satisfy so sadistic state statute.
  • Anything that happens in your house stays in your house.
  • Every girl that emails you looks like Julia Roberts, every male looks like Leonardo DiCaprio.
  • Your instructor could look like "Our Miss Brooks" or "Mr. Chips".
  • Your wife could help you with the tests.
  • You could be a valedictorian without leaving your bedroom.
  • Nobody has ever heard of your school, but that’s all right, nobody has time to check it anyway.
  • Your school used to be in the Big Ten. Now it is in the Big Ten to the power three.
  • This sort of thing is spreading in the lower grades. Now it’s called "home schooling."
  • You do realize that half of your school’s enrollment are socio-misfits, or just too lazy to attend a real school campus.
  • The school president’s name is Al Gore. He’s there running the place because nobody outside of academia would believe him anyway.
  • You also pay your tuition via email. Notice how fast the prices go up, just like the real schools.
  • The head of the Psychology department is named Schickelgruber.
  • The music department course consists of a download of MP3 music from pygmy tribes in Chad.
  • The only team allowed is chess. You do not have to bulk up for it.

 This is 3-wheeler I got for Patty to use.

To have Pegs & Jokers game at our place tonight.  Will be picking up Patty on Monday for her month-long visit.  Will be glad to see her.  

Later, Lynn

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