Friday, June 2, 2017

UMW news article & District, Conference, or Jurisdictional office holders 1940 to 2002

Below is article from Clarinda Herald-Journal in 1968
SIGNING CHARTER ••• is Mrs. Paul Eglehoff, president, with onlookers, Mrs.  L N Boman,
 Mrs. Merrill Cagley, Mrs. A
  B Tarrant,  Mrs.  M  E Montgomery, Mrs. Jack Lavelle and Mrs. Kenneth Butler.

Methodist women sign charter

      About 100 Clarinda Methodist women became charter members of Christian Service Thursday at a special charter service in the First United Methodist Church. October is the universal month for these services, combining the Women’s Society of World Service of the Evangelical Brethren Church and the former Woman’s Society of Christian Service and the Wesleyan Service Guild of the Methodist Church.

     A dessert luncheon and brief business meeting preceded the afternoon program, which was arranged by Mrs. L N Bowman, first president of the local Woman’s Society organized about 30 years ago. 

      Histories of the parent groups were presented by Mrs. Robert Nassen and Mrs. Max South, Mrs. Nassen, a former member of the EUB Church, represented that group and Mrs. South spoke about past Methodist women’s groups. Using the meditation theme, “The Bread of Life,” Mrs. Orie Clayton, Mrs. Jack Lavelle, Mrs. Lewis Joslyn and Mrs. Oliver Gregory spoke on the ingredients in bread. The signing of the roll was conducted by the secretary, Mrs. Kenneth Butler, Mrs. M E Montgomery and Mrs. Merrill Cagley. 

      The Rev. John Beebout led in the Agape Feast (the fellowship meal), Mrs. John Woolson and Mrs. Delbert Smith sang a duet, accompanied by Mrs. Gene Garrett, organist.

      During the business meeting before the service, Mrs. Paul Eglehoff was installed as president and Mrs. Jack Lavelle as vice-president of the organization. Other officers serving this year are Mrs. A B Tarrant, treasurer and Mrs. Ken Butler, Secretary. The Wesleyan Service Guild held their charter meeting Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. John Beebout. Mrs. Herb Owen presented the lesson and members signed the charter. 

      The church circles met the Thursday before to discuss the convention at Dallas, TX, earlier in the year, at which the EUB and Methodist churches were united. Lesson leaders were Mrs. C D Buss at Mary Circle, Mrs. John Knowles at Ruth Circle, Mrs. Norville Todd at Sarah Circle and Mrs. Richard Danielson at Rachael Circle. Circle hostesses including Mrs. Gorman Howell, Mrs. Abner Clark, Mrs. Dorothy Beer and Mrs. Max Johnson.

Below is copy of listing of District, Conference, or Jurisdictional office holders of UMW from 1940 to 2002:


Mrs. Roy Collins
1940---Conference Secretary of Supply 1940-1944---Jurisdictional Supply Secretary

Helen Boman
1941---delegate to Provisional Jurisdiction in Chicago

Lucille Woolson (Mrs. Geo)
1945-51---Creston district Secretary of Youth 1951---Creston district Spiritual Life

Hyldred Reese
1956-1961---Creston district Secretary of Student Work 1962---represented unit at Nat'l Assembly in Atlantic, NJ
1964-1966---Creston district Chairman of Nominating Committee

Mrs. Dale Messenger
1965---Creston district Secretary of Missionary Personnel

Carolyn Macrander
1978-1979---CoBluffs district Project Chairman
1980-1983---CoBluffs district Mission Coordinator for Christian Social Involvement 1980---attends North Central Jurisdiction meeting in Indianapolis, IN
1982---CoBluffs district Mission Coordinator of Global Concerns 1985---Conference Chairman of committee on Membership
1986-1989---North Central Jurisdiction School of Christian Mission Nominating Committee

Dr. Lillie Tomlinson
June 4-8, 1982---chaired pre-legislative conference meeting

Mary Cahill
1982---member CoBluffs   district Superintendency Comm.

Deborah Snedigar
2001-2002---CoBluffs district Sec. Of Program Resources

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