Saturday, June 10, 2017

2nd day of Glenn Miller Festival in Clarinda

74º in Clarinda, IA at 8:00 am Saturday as I start this.
Spent all day Friday at the High School helping with Usher duties to the various programs in the Auditorium.  Above is the last program - 7:30 pm - the Glenn Miller Orchestra.

  • Nick Hilscher is the orchestra leader

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  • Am I the only one who thinks Nick
    looks like Jim Carey (above)
     Earlier in the day had worked the program that had the winners of the Scholarship Contest of Thursday perform


The "made up" band performed during the annual "Chesterfield Radio Show"

Steve Hitt - on the Left worked for us at the Grain Elevator
many, many years ago.  He now farms and also flies
private Jets for businesses out of Omaha.

First year for the Blue Beginners Jazz band from a High School
in Japan

Also first year for this "Lady Luck Trio" out of Utah

Well, today is the first day of my 75th year -- made it this far.
Must leave in a few moments to spend the day again at the High School helping "keep order", taking tickets, etc., etc.

Later, Lynn

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