Friday, March 31, 2017

Done packing for moving north

88º in La Feria at 4:40 pm Friday -- Hot with 23 mph SE Wind.

Just put last of my March photos on Picasa 3 - 473. photos during the month of March, after deleting doubles or bad shots. This includes lot of photos I downloaded off Facebook of friends and family.

Taking the recumbent trikes apart and folding up to make smaller for packing
 Both trikes in the pickup - wheels not in, one seat laying on its side.

Trikes, wheels, seats, and carrier baskets and racks all in.  Trikes covered so grease on the chain doesn't get on anything. Only things not in are a couple plants that will sit in the big box on the bottom and smaller box behind and above it.

Passenger side of pickup.

Left side of pickup.  Have 100 lbs of grapefruit and 50 lbs of onions in there.

This Aloe plant was planted some six years ago.  It has gotten along well; but now it has just budded, or something.  Don't know what is ahead for it -- since we are leaving in the morning won't see what it does until late October.

Our Texas room with insulation on the inside of all the west-facing windows.  Spent today covering the north windows with insulation and the south doors and windows in that room with just some screening (they are under the carport) so can't be seen in.

Have only two windows with awnings, this is the west facing bedroom window -- got the awning lowered for the summer season.  Did the same for the one on front, or south end, of the mobile home.

Trailer hooked and ready to pull out in the morning.

Insulation on north door & window

Shutter down on front of house.
Hope to post from on the road -- Later, Lynn

Last day in The Valley for 2016-2017

61º here in La Feria, TX at 7:00 am on Friday -- predicted high for today 91º.

Phyllis' birthday was Tuesday and they had a bit of a
celebration at the office when she was at work.
I took these photos of Phyllis off Kenwood's Facebook page.

Made a quick trip to Progreso, MX yesterday and drove by this burning of a sugar cane field on the way back home.
They burn something like 70% of the volume of material that otherwise would have to be cut, hauled to the crusher and run through while crushing the sugar from the cane stalks.  The fire is quick - usually in an hour or so it is all died down.

Phyllis with our neighbors from Michigan
Lavin Boozer, on the left is minutes from leaving for Illinois. Neighbor Bobbi Raab from Minnesota is by her, Phyllis and Bill Winslow from Michigan.

Last night was a "clean out your refrigerator" pot luck at the rec hall.  Well attended.  Many are leaving today or tomorrow.
In photo at left, on the left is Tim Neher, son of LaRhoda and Harold Neher from Hiawatha, KS who flew in to Harlingen at 3 pm yesterday to drive his parents home.  They give a toot on their horn at 6:56 this morning as they pulled out of their driveway..

Wednesday evening a group of us went to the Longhorn Cattle Company
steakhouse  in San Benito for Phyllis' birthday - which was the day before

Tuesday was the last practice day for the Men of A-Chord barbershop chorus in McAllen, TX  Majority of the guys have already headed north.

Tuesday evening, for Phyllis' birthday, we went to Jason's Deli in Harlingen for sandwiches and then back to our place with Bill and Twila Oberholzer from Boone, Iowa.

Yesterday morning I helped Harold Neher put his carrier for his electric scooter on the back of his car and then loaded the scooter on it.

Bill Winslow dropped by as we were finishing tying down the scooter.

Must post last photo of granddaughter Jessica that was on Facebook on the 23rd -- her 9 month birthday.  Hope to see her, her parents and grandparents, in a few weeks in eastern Iowa.

Bob Raab, Minnesota -  LaRhoda Neher, Kansas

After eating at the Longhorn on Tuesday we returned to our place for Pegs and Jokers games and then Ice Cream and Cake that Darlene furnished.

Bobbi Raab, Minnesota - Harold Neher,  Kansas - Marian Finken, Indiana

Bill Winslow, Michigan - Phyllis, Ardel Finken, Indiana

At left in photo - Darlene Winslow, Michigan

Have most of the back of the pickup filled with stuff heading to Iowa - including 50# of sweet onions and 100# of grapefruit.

Have the awning bolted down over windows and covered the windows in the Texas Room with insulation as well as part of the house windows covered.
After taking the two recumbent trikes apart to minimize space in the pickup, will fill the pickup with gas today and hook up to the trailer tonight, ready to head out first thing in the morning, going to Fredericksburg, TX for the weekend before going on north to Iowa next week.

Later, Lynn

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Nearing end of March

85º here in La Feria, TX as I start this at 5:00 pm Sunday.  Bright sunshine and a bit muggy out.

Many of us went out to eat after church at the Rec Hall at noon.  In fact, most of the people who were at church went out - the crowd has dwindled with people heading north.

 We ate at Stefanos Brooklyn Pizza (Click for Website) which is a full Italian restaurant with lots of good food.  Phyllis & I shared a Philly Steak Stromboli and each had a salad.  Superb food.
It was also the last service by the Minister Jim Paydon and his wife Linda (she is seated at the end of the table and he is to the left)  They winter in a park in Harlingen and are leaving for Minnesota this Wednesday.

Couple of photos of what work I have completed on the interior walls with my miniature logs.

And, even got the switched light up over the entry doors!

 Yesterday (Saturday) we and neighbors Harold and LaRhoda Neher went over to McAllen to listen to the Magic Valley Men of A-Chord chorus for their last concert of the season.  It was the entertainment for the "End of the Season" meal for the Dream Valley RV Park.
They start practice next November and start performing next January.  I hope to be performing with them by that time.  Must memorize all the music -- which is somewhat daunting to me.  Have CD's and sheet music to work on over the summer as well.

Yesterday spent much of the morning cleaning out gutter on my carport where it is under the tree.  I had put up screening several weeks ago over the guttering area and now, after the silicone had set up I pulled the screws on the edge and lifted it, drilling bigger holes to get into the gutter area and cleaned out several years of leaves, dirt, etc.  Now with the screening over it hope won't have that situation again.

 Friday afternoon we went to a Croquet game and pot-luck lunch at the west end of the park on the south side.  Quite a few gathered and I played my first game ever of Croquet and we got to visit with a lot of people.

 Thursday was our last of the season Bean Bag Baseball night.  Had small turn out with only 5 on one team and 6 on another, but was a good evening.

Pat Sumner, from Kansas, finished with the grease packing of the trailer wheels and got them back on. 
So we are ready to pack the trailer.

More next time - Lynn

Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...