Wednesday, April 20, 2016

More rain

61 degrees and overcast here in Clarinda, Iowa at 3pm as I start to write this.  I measured .75" of rain in gauge this morning.

Phyllis bought two Serapes when we were in Mexico and sewed them side-by-side with opening for her head.

-She can wear it either way.

We went with Clarinda Circle 8 Square Dance Club to a nursing home in Shenandoah Monday evening.

Most of the club members and quite a few visitors were present so we got a group photo.

We have a lot of little oak seedlings coming up so I took one and anchored it in a bottomless 5-gallon bucket several feet over the bank behind the hedge in our back yard.

This gives a little better idea of how far down the bank it is compared to the hedge.  I had tried to grow 2 different pine seedlings we brought home from Grand Lake, Colorado a couple years ago, but they didn't make it.  This time I planted it in some dirt that I got from the farm, along with potting soil, so maybe it has a better chance.

Brought the dirt from
the farm in 5 gallon

Used some of the dirt to plant four
tomatoes in raised boxes
by the back deck.

Here you can see the one tomato plant that is still putting on tomatoes that we brought home from Texas sitting on the deck with the new young ones planted below.  I put all the tomato cages I could find together and will tie them together to give support when these Better Boys get bigger.

This shows that we watch photos from the
last 9 months while we are at
the breakfast/dinner table.
With a 32 Gigabit SD card
I was able to load photos clear back
to before we went on our summer
trip into Canada and the
New England area along with
all of the winter pictures at Kenwood RV

Have  been trying to get info together on all my classmates from Callaway, NE High School class of 1961.  Have requested they send me story of their life and I intend to put a booklet together to share when we get together in Callaway on June 25th for noon meal and visit after the Annual Pioneer Picnic parade that morning.

More later, Lynn

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