Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Cooler in Iowa than we are used to

58 degrees, mostly cloudy in Clarinda, IA
Took this picture of thermometer just outside our back door at 12:30 pm - about 48 degrees.  No short pants like I have been used to in Texas!

We drove away from the Heuer's in Elkhart, TX about 1 pm on Sunday.  Drove an easy 200 miles to Gordonsville, TX where we stayed the night.
On Monday we drove 441 miles.  Though it was almost all on back roads there was little or no traffic and was a nice day for driving.  Had planned on stopping 100 miles sooner at a Passport America park for only $12.50, but had lots of daylight left so ended up paying $29 but was a couple hours down the road so made getting from there in to Clarinda easy and we were home by 1:30 pm after eating lunch at Pizza Ranch in Maryville, MO.  Just as we finished unhooking the trailer the tail-wind that we had enjoyed that day suddenly changed to hard wind out of the northwest and blew hard all afternoon.  Glad we were not on the road pulling the trailer in it.  (Right at 1,310 miles from one home to the other.

Unloaded the pick-up and
hard to believe all
the stuff we had packed
in it.  Knew it was clear
Only a little bit left
when I took this

Took this photo while we were parked at the last RV Park before getting home.  Had the vegetation out in the sun for the afternoon. Yes, I brought home a tomato plant.
It has been in the entryway indoors, but I just set it  out in the sun right now.

This is something you don't
see on too many interstates--
a corn planter going up the
highway.  We saw one running
in the field in Kansas.

Entering Oklahoma

Below - entering Kansas

Going through
the Flint Hills
in Kansas

Missouri near
Atchison, KS

And, finally, 
entering Iowa at
Braddyville, IA

I was able to mow the yard (forecast was for rain and it hadn't been mowed this year while neighbors on both sides of us had recently mowed theirs so was imperative to get it done).  The wind was blowing something fierce 

Hedge along the back
still looking good from the
shearing I gave it last October.

Back deck had lots of leaves blown up around the steps - was wet on the bottom part.

Used my vacuum/shredder to suck
up the leaves on the step up
to the deck.

Leaves cleaned
up and the benches
moved from under
the roof overhang.

Today we went the 20 miles west
to Shenandoah to meet with the
tax preparer then stopped by Leland
and Bonnie Brown's place here
in Clarinda.  These two
pictures of their tulips.

We go to Omaha tomorrow to have checkup on my partial-knee replacement of 10 years ago and then plan on stopping in Villisca, IA on way home to visit Mary Jo and Oliver Herzberg and go to the fish/chicken fry uptown and maybe play some cards.

More later, Lynn


  1. Glad you made it home. We came home waaaaaaay to early. Snowed great big flakes here this morning. Only good thing it melted as soon as it hit the ground. Lyle had pace maker check yesterday. It is functioning just fine. This one is even equipped with YFI so makes it super easy for home monitoring. Still not caught up on all the things we have to do. No rush right! It will warm up soon, I hope.

    1. Phyllis talked with Darlene Winslow yesterday; they had just got home by plane to 1 inch of snow and expecting 6 more overnight with temp down to 14. We are better than that at least. Good luck, you guys


Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...