Saturday, March 19, 2016

The "Floating Gardens of Mexico"

 We had converted some dollars
to pesos before the trip.  It always
seemed like the prices were high, but 
you needed to divide their price by
17 to get the approximate price in
US Dollars. Something that cost
70 Pesos was equal  to $4.12;
100 Pesos was just under $5.90

The different bills
are all different sizes.

 "The floating gardens of Mexico" in Xochimilco  was really colorful with
hundreds of boats being pushed by
one person with a pole against the

I got several videos of this and the thing these photos don't show is the sound.  There were lots of mariachi  bands and lots of music all the time we were on the water.

It was a Sunday afternoon and there were many, many families on these boats.  You rented a boat and their were some with just a few people and there were some with many people having a party, eating a picnic, listening to Mariachi bands, or singers.

This is our "boat driver" with Phyllis as we finished our hour-and-a-half time on the water. 

There were the flying men
"Voladores de Papentla" at
the dock.  We did not see
their performance in
total -- they ascend a 40 foot
pole and then swing down
and out on ropes as they
come to the ground.  This is
the group getting their photo
taken right after they had finished.

A market was at the dock and we
spent some time there.  This is
a photo of the Bano's (restrooms)
where you get to pay 5 pesos to
an attendant and they give you
a few folds of toilet tissue.

Map of the area we were
in.  It was always hard to
get our bearings as to our
location, not being able to
read the Spanish and
not really understanding the
interpretation.  We were
somewhere north and west
of Mexico City,,,,,,,,,,,,I think.

Until another posting, Lynn

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