Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Busy March 21st

66 degrees here in La Feria, TX at 9:45 am Tuesday as I start this blog today.

Yesterday, the 21st, was Winter Texan Appreciation Day in Progreso, Tamilupis, Mexico.  Expecting a big crowd, we went early and still encountered quite a few people.
After waiting for 5-10 minutes in line outside of Irene's Bakery we were seated with several other people- from Nebraska, Ontario, Iowa, Wisconson.

This sign, entering Mexico has been changed since our visiting other years.

The signage at the top translates:  Mexico  --  Government of the Republic            INDAABIN  --  Institute for Management and Valuation of Domestic Goods

Thought this guy's
shirt had rather
interesting read.
 Phyllis looking for
some items for Russ & Krista's
kids; will see them on April 2nd
in Elkhart, Texas

Phyllis usually cuts my hair;
but, with her right arm still
bothering from her fall the last
night of our Mexico trip, she 
encouraged me to take advantage
of the Mexican barber- $6 including tip.

By 10:00 am the entertainment was
getting started on the main street
of Progreso.  This was a group of

Street was filling up.  Many
stores were offering juice or
margaritas and Tamales.
Couple of larger stores
were giving straw hats with
their store name/logo on the band. 
 Stopped at "our"
pharmacy and got
supply of some meds
to last the summer until
we return in October.

Harvesting Aloe
 Returning from Mexico we got
lunch at a Whataburger and then
some shopping at HEB Grocery store
before stopping at Aloe King - an aloe
vera farm that we get foot cream for me
that has Aloe in it and liquid Aloe for
help with digestion.
Harvesting Aloe

On returning home, I
helped neighbor Harold Neher
get the carrier for his
electric scooter mounted
on their car.  He hadn't used
it much this winter; plans to use
it when the family goes to Colorado
this summer.

Scooter covered and
strapped down.
They pulled out this morning for Hiawatha, Kansas; another neighbor--Jim & Lavin Boozer pulled out for Kell, Illinois early this morning, and Virgil Green's left for Bird Island, MN.  Butch Giesking left Sunday morning for Titonka, Iowa.  Couple of trailers pulled out this morning.  Park really seeming to be getting sparse.  The "bug man" is coming this morning to do ours, Nehers, and Raabs units.

More later, Lynn

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