Saturday, June 1, 2024

June the First

 76 degrees here in Clarinda, IA at 8:15 pm Saturday with bright sunshine.  Hit 82 degrees earlier this afternoon.  If it keeps this up we may have to turn on the A/C.  Last few weeks have been kind without either the furnace or air conditioner running.  Full window exhaust fan keeps our place real cool anywhere under the high 80's.

We ate both breakfast and lunch on the deck today.  Was in the recliner in front of TV for supper.
Photo at left was of a great surprise when I went into our attached garage and these ants were coming up out of the crack in the cement floor just beside the pickup..  They did quit moving after I sprayed and poured Home Defender on them and down the crack.  Guess will see if I can somehow fill in the crack.

After lunch today
we went uptown to the "Cruzzin' Clarinda" auto
show.  Were a lot of cars, trucks, tractors
on display around the square
and also on the lot at Shore Motors.

This is the tenth year that the Clarinda Chamber of Commerce has sponsered ths Cruzzin Clarinda.  At 3:00 pm they had a parade, but I would guess less than 10% of those on display took part in the parade.

Phyllis got to visit with Sally Nordland, seated in photo at left.  They were classmates, year of 1962, here in Clarinda.  She has returned to Clarinda from Arizona this winter.

While seated to watch the parade we got to visit with 91-year old Dale Sunderman.  Phyllis was able to catch up on a lot of friends and relatives of Dale/s.  Dale is still liviing on the farm northwest of town but his wife is in nursing home here in Clarinda as well as his brother Paul and sister Evelyn.  His brother Cecil is having quite a bit of health trouble, also.

Photo at left was taken off Facebook last week on the Chateau Girardeau page.  Brother Don and his wife Vicki are pictured during their exercise time, which they go to several days a week.

This turtle watched us trim the lilac bush.

Did some major trimming of the old Lilac Bush.  We have two small ones to the west of it, but will be several years before they are anywhere near this big.

LC -- will maybe do this again sometime.

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