Saturday, June 15, 2024

Humid day here in Iowa


77 degrees - partly cloudy at 1:30 pm Saturday here in Clarinda, IA.  Received 1/2 inch of rain overnight and is high humidity.  10-day forecast shows rain next week.  We will be in Omaha Thursday, Schuyler and Lincon on Saturday and Lincoln on Sunday.  Guess will have some rain with us.

  Yesterday, Friday, we drove to Hiawatha, Kansas and spent time with dear friends Harold &  LaRhoda Neher.  They were neighbors for 10 years in Kenwood RV Park in Texas, but due to age and health have not been back to the park since spring of 2020.  Harold is 97 years old & LaRhoda will be 88 this fall and both are slowing down.  He isn't able to get out of their farmhouse much at all anymore.  They bought a delicious fried catfish dinner from "The Bread Bowl" in town and we ate at their kitchen table.  
After lunch we played 3 games of Pegs & Jokers and then took naps and then another game followed by "No Guilt" pineaple pie Phyllis had brought.

Their stamina isn't what it used to be, but we all enjoyed being together for the afternoon.

Stopped at Aldi's in St. Joe on way home for some grocery shopping and was home before dark

This, and several other robins, were searching over the lawn for worms, I assume, this morning after the many hours of rain overnight and until 10:30 am this morning.

I think below is interesting

and would be well for kids to learn.

40 Old-Fashioned Skills That Kids Need to Know

How to write a letter   --    How to make a phone call  --    How to take a message  --   How to converse with an elder  --    How to play with a baby  --    How to sew on a button  --    How to genuinely apologize  --    How to hammer a nail  --   How to introduce yourself   --   How to notice the needs of others      How to make scrambled eggs  --   How to balance a checkbook   --   How to write a thank you note  --  How to do laundry  --  How to garden  --  How to fix something  --  How to plan a healthy meal  --  How to hang a picture  --  How to wash dishes  --  How to budget  --  How to wait and save for something  --  How to check tire pressure  --  How to ask questions to get to know someone better  --  How to read a map  --  How to find a book in the library  --  How to seek counsel from someone more experienced  --  How to care for a pet  --  How to select a thoughtful gift  -- How to admit a mistake  --  How to set the table  --  How to iron a shirt  --  How to give someone the benefit of the doubt  --  How to weigh pros and cons  -- How to have good table manners  --  How to dust  --  How to read a recipe  --  How to vacuum the stairs  --  How to change a lightbulb  --  How to open, close, and lock windows  -- How to use a fire extinguisher  --  How to make a salad  --  How to make a smoothie  --  How to clean the refrigerator  --  How to clean the bathroom  --  How to clean the kitchen  --  How to address and stamp an envelope  --  How to write a check  --  How to refill a stapler  --  How to put air in a bike tire  --  How to pump gas  --  How to change a flat tire

Later, L Carroll

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