Thursday, April 11, 2024

Time being spent in Cape Girardeau, MO

 61º with NW winds at 15 - 20 mph here in Cape Girardeau, MO at 12:00 noon Thursday.

Will post a few photos of closing up house, etc.

Photo at left is when we

were loading up final

stuff to head north.

Final packing of pickup at right.  Had to take several things out and put under the trailer or inside trailer while at Cape Girardeau now so could put their two walkers in the back when we take them out later today and again on Friday.

Back door locked and covered with
reflective bubble wrap

Bedroom closed up for the summer.

Awning down over bedroom west window.
I got some "thrown away" roofing metal
and covered the back door to Texas Room

Hot tub in shop room within the Texas room
drained, aired and Damp Rid set in. Ladder
 and some waste baskets off the floor.

All the "hangy things" stored (except big chimes)

Clothes dryer vent closed off to mice, etc.

Rest of shop room in Texas Room

Leaving 1 recumbent trike.
Raised so when tires go flat in
a month or so, wont be resting on them.

Phyllis' cousin Jan's golf cart covered for summer

Had lemon pie & coffe with Darlene's daughter
Laureen & Darlene.

Had lemon pie & coffe with Darlene's daughter
Laureen & Darlene

Photo at left taken by Laureen of Darlene in front of

the place she and Bill bought in 2000.  She had sold

the house and will stay home in Michigan now.

All Texas Room windows covered with
insulation on inside.

Phyllis' first cousin Steve Cabbage
passed away last week at 65 years old.

We are heading back to the Chateau to spend afternoon with Don & Vicki.  Think Vicki wants us to driver her to a couple stores today and maybe eat out.

Tomorrow she wants us to drive them to the cemetery in Illinois where her husband and parents are buried and niece Jenny's tombstone is.  Heavy overcast all day here so far, but is to be sunny tomorrow.

Later, Lynn

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