Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Lots of rain, no Solar Eclipse for us

 63º and raining in Cape Girardeau, MO at 7:00 pm Wednesday.  We hooked up the trailer in La Feria Monday in the rain, finished loading the trailer and the pickup in the rain, drove all day long in either a heavy mist or heavy overcast.  Here is photo taken at the time (I think) when the eclipse happened--at least Facebook was posting pictures of it and San Antonio radio was talking about it at the time.

We arrived at our camping spot near Angelina, TX about dark, in a drizzle and were welcomed by several thousand mosquitos!  

Our spot was very narrow and when
you come out the door you drop
off about 8" down to the grass.

On Tuesday we had about 3 hours of sunshine as we went north through Houston.  Then rain, rain, rain.  I ran the windshield wipers on fastest speed for about 95% of three hours with it just pouring down.  It did let up when we were setting up at a camp near Hot Springs, Arkansas Tuesday night.  Today was another heavy overcast all day, and it startedf raining about 3:00 pm here in Cape Girardeau right after we were set up.

Had supper with brother Don and wife Vicki tonight.

We will take them out tomorrow for a bit of shopping; won't spend too long out, they are moving really slow.

Hope to have a bit more time tomorrow to post some photos of our closing up the house in Kenwood, etc.

Later, Lynn

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