Friday, April 5, 2024

Busy getting ready to move to Iowa

 74º at 8:30 pm here in Kenwood RV Friday evening.  

Last few weeks an endless series of meetings, eatings, goodbyes, and working getting house ready for abandonment until this November.

photos of
Lin Nelm's
in National
near Bushnell

Today is her birthday anniversary.

Flowers Phyllis got from Izzy's place
at Barbrshop Chorus picnic

Monday we drove to fellow singer Dennis Bush's place in Mission, TX where he showed me many old photos of the Barbershop chorus.  I took photos of them to add to my Google Photo Album of the Men of A-Chord History Album.  Without being able to get away from the glare on all the glossy photos they will not be good, but will probably bring back memories to some of the older guys.  Did our "last of the season" visit to Costco for some meds and, of course, the all-beef foot-long hotdog.
We are only taking one trike back to Clarinda
I put it up on a stand to disassemble much of it.

By removing the front wheels, seat,
carrier, then folding 
the back wheel up
over front, it compact to pack in the pickukp.

The trike is under the shelf, on the left side,
it was soon completely covered with small items.

Collecting boxes and bags from everywhere. 

 By today it is pretty well packed -- hopefully will still be able to put in several bags of 1015 onions, carrots, and avacodos we are going to get tomorrow from Vegiman Joe at Donwes Fleamarket.
Today we went to lunch at Rooster's Country Cafe in western Harlingen with what is left of the group Phyllis plays cards with every night.  She takes Darlene, with the golf cart, so she doesn't have to be on her bike in the dark.  They are at the Rec Hall about every night.  She enjoys games and being with people so she goes.  I enjoy not playing games and not being with people, so I stay at the house.

I rode the recumbent trike around the park today and there are hardly any of the RVers or the winter texans in the permanent dwellings left.  We, and several others will be gone by next week.

Darlene's daughter flies in Saturday and flies with Darlene to her Michigan home on the 11th.  We will get to spend one day with her before we pull out Monday, the 8th.  Will be the day of all the hupla over the Solar Eclips that day.  We are going away from the trajectory of that eclipse and have guaranteed space to park our trailer Monday night near Houston and Tuesday night near Hot Springs, Arkansas.  The next three nights we will be at Cape Gerardeau.

Put water in the trailer tank.

Strung out electric cord to trailer
to run the refrigerator/freezer.

Lot of "stuff" being stored under the trailer.

Today we emptied the 140 gallon hot tub,
scrubbed it, and dried it out.

Using the sun to dry the lid, and towels

Took weather station down.

Growing up on a ranch in west
central Nebraska, this struck
a chord with me.

Till next time, Lynn

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