Saturday, February 17, 2024

Rain, rain and more rain in the Rio Grande Valley

 49 degrees and rain at 12 noon here in La Feria, TX.  Rained all day Thursday, Friday and is to finally end sometime tonight.  Hoping for sunshine tomorrow as we are having the Men & Women of A-Chord barbershop chorus sing here in the Rec Hall at 3:00 pm.

Last Wednesday was Valentine's Day and 60 Kenwood Residents turned out for a supper and some entertainment.

I took some 140 photos, including individuals and couples at a balloon wall.  I made a Google Photo Album and emailed to all who attended.  You can look at it by Clicking HERE

Tom Urban and wife and Tom's sister Nancy Weldon and husband, with help of some others, did all the cooking and serving.

There were several games after eating.  Phyllis & I got involved in one where we had to write answers to questions about our marriage; years married, name of pastor at our wedding, favorite love song, and some other questions I can't recall.  Then Cliff had a Trivia test for us all with 30 questions.  Several won a prize for having 9 correct.  I had 6.

Phyllis read a poem before the supper
and also later gave info on the quilts
made and given away by the Care &
Share group and called winners for a
drawing for two quilts.

Picture of our non-existent security fence.

Thursday evening we went up to the rec hall for "bean bag baseball".  It was the last night that a couple Canadian guys, who are travelling in two separate Van RV's, and they enjoyed the game as always.  They have been here for some time and are heading on to San Antonio and exploring other places.  When they left, they said they intend to return to Kenwood next season.
One of the guys from Canada is photo above and the other in photo at left, ready to throw the beanbag.

Thursday morning we went grocery shopping at Walmart in Harlingen.  Was raining all day that day.

Phyllis had someone picking up donations from their Care & Share group Thursday.  Quilts, pillows, knitted baby caps, etc. and some of the ladies who had worked with the Care & Share group posed with the goods.

At noon RHP, the Kenwood Park owners, put on a Sloppy Joe lunch.

Last night we went with Dick & Deanne Messer and Jerry & Lillian Witt to Cortino's Italian Restaurant  in Weslaco.  Messer's had been there before but we and Witt's had not.  Was opened at 5 pm when we got there and immediately filled up.  Excellent food.

When we returned to Kenwood Phyllis & Pat went up to the Rec Hall to play cards.  Rain continued all day and all through the night and is still raining now.,

Will sign off for now.

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