Wednesday, February 7, 2024

A nice lunch gathering for Men & Women of A-Chord

 73 degrees, bright sunshine, wind with gusts to 23 mph at 11 am on Wednesday.  Well, I didn't make it here on Monday, or Tuesday morning as I said I would, will try now.  We went to Bela Mia's Restaurant with 39 people in attendance from the Barbershop chorus, including spouses and guests.  Had a good gathering.  We sang several songs while waiting to be served and then several quartets got up and sang.  Here are links to two of the quartets -- CLICK HERE  AND CLICK HERE  to listen to them.  I did not try to film any of the whole chorus singing, but we all enjoyed it.  Here are some photos.

Click on any photo to enlarge.

Russ and Phyllis Sandry

Gloria Crum and her husband Phil

Cassandra Warn, Pam Frisoni, Frank Frisoni
and William Crull

At right The ladies, from the old Sweet Adeline's who now belong to Men & Women of A-Chord, sang a blessing for the meal that they had learned with the earlier group.  Gloria Crum (red at lower left) is directing them)
Cathi Svetlecic, and Mary & William Crull

Pam and Frank Frisoni and Cassandra & Daniel Warn
KJ & Anna Pisano, Sue & Matt Saarem

On right side, Telle & Dennis Bush and Bob 
and Barb Lemkuil

Starting lower left and then clockwise -
Barb Lemquil, Arleen & Jerry Boman,
Lou Ann & Terry Trzynka and Bob Lemkuil

Clockwise - Barb Lemkuil, Arleen & Jerry
Boman and Lou Ann Trzynka

Terry Rrzynka, Chatelle & Dennis Bush

Frank Frisoni, Cassandra & Daniel Warn,
George & Cathi Svetlecic

William Crull with Pan & Frank Frisoni

Sue Steiner, Pat Whitney's sister, Pat Whitney,
Steve with Lois Outcelt, Linda Smith, Izzy
Waldschmidt with one of her daughters that were there.

Sue & Dave Steiner at lower left, Steve, Lois Outcelt,
 Linda Smith, Izzy Waldschmidt and her
 two daughters (going clockwise)

Pat Steckelberg and Phyllis Miles at lower right.

Since I am always behind the camera,
 I decided to do a selfie of Mein self.

At Left -- All the metal railing at the back door was splotched like it had salt on it.  I gave it another coat.....maybe it will last another few years.

This is just to show -- at right -- it's feast or famine with the cards sometimes.  We played Pegs & Jokers one night when when Linda was still here (I took her to the airport at 4:30 am yesterday for her return to near Albuquerque, NM)  One of the first games I could only draw face cards or aces so had to take a picture of them.

Last Saturday morning a $5 breakfast of pancakes and sliced and fried potatoes with scrambled eggs was served at the hall along with orange juice and coffee.  Was a very good meal.  They made way too much of the potato/egg mix because they decided after making up a big batch that some would not like onions it so made an equal size batch without onions.  Lots left over many took containers home--including us. I just ate the last of ours for breakfast this morning.

Sunday morning we took Pat, Linda and Darlene to church in Harlingen and then ate at Jack in the Box.  Was good food, but found that getting the "Senior Discount, which was applied to the drink) was quite different than many places.  Drinks were $2.79 and they took off fifty-cents!  Whataburger makes the senior drinks at no cost for seniors.

We have Pot Luck supper at the Rec Hall this evening and then we go to Harlengin for choir practice.

More later, Lynn

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