Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Men & Women of A-Chord performed at Kenwood RV Park in La Feria

 69º with bright sunshine in La Feria, TX at 10:00 am Tuesday.  Now that was true when I typed it!  It is now 66º at 9:20 pm on Tuesday.  Been busy all the time..........I need a vacation.

Picked up Bob Weise and Lois Outcelt at Snow to Sun RV Park and drove the 30-some miles to Barbershop Chorus practice in McAllen today.

Tonight played some Pegs & Jokers games with Darlene Winslow, Patty, Phyllis & myself.

Yesterday we spent much of the day in Progreso, Mexico, including a stop for coffee & rolls at Irene's Bakery.

I spent a lot of time following the ladies as they shopped.  In photo at left, you can see Phyllis in a jewelry shop.

Watched this fella for some time.  He painted some fantastic pictures using spray paint, crumpled paper and a putty knife.

One of many Orchids in a pharmacy we have done business with for the last 15 years.
Bedlow, Phyllis with Deloris, the owner of American Pharmacy.

On way back from Mexico we ate late lunch at Nana's Restaurant in Weslaco, TX.

There were quite a few people living in tents on the walkway bridge coming back to the US.  They are waiting to be processed for entry into the US, unlike the people that the Bastard Biden lets come across the water so he can get Democrat votes.

Sunday we had a good performance of the Men & Women of A-Chord barbershop chorus right here at Kenwood RV Park.  Unfortunately,  most of the park residents didn't attend.  Those that did, along with many from out of the park were happy. 
In photo above we are in rolled up sleeves, raised collars, wearing sun glasses while we sing a 1950's song "In The Still of the Night"
Photo at right shows ladies quartet as part of our rendition of Lida Rose. 

At left is the winding up of "Freddie Feel Good and his Funky Little Four Piece Band.

We perform tomorrow night, but had the RV Park where we were scheduled for this Saturday cancel our program.

More later, maybe

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