Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Working on shop building.

 50º here in Clarinda, IA at 9:30 am on Tuesday - predicted high of 77º late afternoon.  Was 48º earlier this morning.  Been working on insulating, paneling, painting and adding vertical dividers for 4x8' sheets that have been in the corner of my shop building for the last 12 years, or so.

 These panels have been leaning against each other for ever and I didn't have any idea what was in the pile. On removing them and placing them around the shop I found 5 sheets of new 1/8" Masonite as well as several full 4x8 plywood sheets and many part-pieces.

All the panels cleaned out.

Used panels from the pile to cover wall.

Cut these anchors from aluminum
angle iron left from the sign
company 13 years ago.

Drilled lots of holes

Used all scrap panels I
had gotten from a
cement job for dividers

Front panel was from the original
pile here in the corner.  Door is
heavy oak door that was blackened
by smoke from our fire in Sign
Office back in 2008 

So there you have it -- exciting, wasn't it?  I have only one section of shop wall not insulated & paneled on the west side.  Maybe next year.
Later, Lynn

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