Friday, October 22, 2021

Ready to head south to Texas winter home

 46º in Clarinda, IA at 11:30 am Friday - with predicted high of 58º.  Some signs of frost this morning, but was light.  Looks like we will leave in the morning with no snow (as happened last year).

This photo was taken along Interstate 80 last Sunday as we were coming to Clarinda from Marengo.  Fall is definitely here with turning of the leaves.

Took this picture this morning while sitting at the breakfast table.  The construction workers were on the roof of the new surgery wing at the hospital all day yesterday until nearly dark and back at it again early this morning.  Imagine the construction will be all done and that wing in use by time we see it in April 2022.

Tore down the trikes on Tuesday.

Both trikes, folded without front wheels, will fit under the shelf in the front of the pickup.

Yesterday I drained the Softub and moved it off the deck.

When empty, rolled it into the workshop until next April.

I moved the benches up next to house, under the eaves and out of some of the weather and Phyllis swept the leaves off the deck.

Yes, I took a little break since I started writing this and got the pickup finished loaded.

And, after a little trip uptown to pick up some things, we hooked up to the trailer, un-chocked it, hooked up the lights, and are ready to pull out tomorrow morning.

GROANER'S CORNER:((   Brother John entered the "Monastery of Silence" and the Abbott said, "Brother, this is a silent monastery. You are welcome here as long as you wish, but you may not speak until I direct you to do so."  Brother John lived in the monastery for 5 years before the Abbott said to him: "Brother John, you have been here 5 years now. You may speak two words."  Brother John said, "Hard Bed."  "I'm sorry to hear that," the Abbott said. "We will get you a better bed."  After another 5 years, Brother John was called by the Abbott. "  You may say another two words, Brother John."  "Cold Food," said Brother John, and the Abbott assured him that the food would be better in the future.  On his 15th anniversary at the monastery, the Abbott again called Brother John into his office. "Two words you may say today."  "I Quit," said Brother John.  "It is probably best," said the Abbott. "You've done nothing but complain since you got here."

===================Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.  Small, large, circle, square, thin crust, thick crust, stuff crust and extra toppings.

Will be on the road for 8 days before we get to our winter home in La Feria, Texas.  Will try to check in as we travel.


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