Monday, October 18, 2021

Enjoyable time with family in Marengo, IA

 77 degrees with bright sunshine in Clarinda, IA at 3:15 pm Monday.

Had enjoyable weekend visiting with kids in Marengo, IA.  Great Grandson David Long was baptized on Sunday.

 Much of Saturday was spent at Cam's and Ashley brought out David and Jessica.  Emily also came for the day.
Though only 6     

months old,

David is pulling

himself up.

Jessica would bat the balloon around, and make it squeak and David would laugh so hard he got the hic-ups. 

 Jessica helped Great Grandma make
a lemon pie.

David spent some time in his "walker"

Cam and Patty fixed some delicious grilled
chicken Saturday evening.

Sunday morning, as part of the church service at First Presbyterian Church there in Marengo, IA David Thomas Long was given the Sacrament of Baptism.

Jessica, along with the Sunday School Classes, sang two songs during the worship service.  She is at the far lower right in this photo.

At noon a picnic lunch was held at the park in the city square in Marengo.

At left is the Heath & Ashley Long family - with David and Jessica.
At right is the family with Sponsor Emily Miles (Ashley's sister) and Sponsor Amanda Long (Heath's sister-in-law -- Brother Cory also a Sponsor, but was on guard duty; but he took part in the Baptism ceremony via skype on a smart phone)

The two Grandma Greats, Phyllis and Heath's Mom's Mom.


With Heath's Mom & Dad and Grandmother.

Four generations with our side of the family.

Four generations on the Long side.

David enjoyed some time on a blanket in the sunshine getting familiar with leaves.

We came home Sunday afternoon and will spend this week getting the house closed up, the travel trailer loaded, the trikes packed along with all the other stuff for moving for six months.  Will leave for Texas next Saturday.

GROANER'S CORNER:((    Mary and Jane are old friends. They have both been married to their husbands for a long time; Mary is upset because she thinks her husband doesn't find her attractive anymore.  "As I get older he doesn't bother to look at me!" Mary cries.  "I'm so sorry for you, as I get older my husband says I get more beautiful every day." replies Jane.  "Yes, but your husband's an antique dealer!"

Q: What do you call a bunch of rabbits in a row all hopping backward?

A: A receding hare line.

Later, Lynn

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