Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Good weekend with the kids-- and Red Skelton

70º and a nice day here in Clarinda, IA at noon Tuesday.   Click on photos to enlarge.

Spent a delightful weekend at our kids, grandkids, and great grandkids in Marengo.  Also, got to see the Red Skelton Show

As I stated in my post from our trip recently, we had spent close to three hours in The Red Skelton Museum of American Comedy and got to watch a lot of videos and read on his history.

On Friday we got to watch Brian Hoffman's "Remembering Red: A Tribute to Red Skelton.

Yup, that's us with "Red"
The program I use to import the photos to this blog always brings them in in reverse, so here are the pictures from after the show and will work up (or down) to the beginning.  Above, he is with our daughter-in-law Patty, granddaughter Emmy, and our son Cameron.

Click HERE  for original Red Skelton Pledge of Allegiance explanation.  He did a recreation of this video as part of his program.  Still very meaningful.

Saturday morning they moved the corner cabinet we had brought from Clarinda, that had been in Patty's parents house for over 40 years, into a corner of Cam & Patty's living room.

Got to spend a lot of family time with the Greats over the weekend.

Here is a series of "busy body" David, who just turned 6 months old over the weekend.

On way back to Clarinda, from Marengo, on Sunday we stopped and had pizza and a good long visit with dear friend Mary Jo Herzberg.  She and her husband Oliver (who passed away several years ago) had spent time with us each winter in Texas when both of us were going south then.

More later, Lynn

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