Saturday, May 8, 2021

Windy in SW Iowa

 57 degrees, heavy overcast with winds at 24 mph and gusts to 35 mph here in Clarinda, IA at 5 pm Saturday.

Just realized I hadn't posted for several days.  I had made up my mind wouldn't post unless something interesting happened.  Still hasn't, it is.

This winter, while we were gone, the tail of the yard windmill broke off.  Found that the pitiful spot-welds on the piece connecting the tail to the rod coming from the base to the wheel had broken off.  Got it welded out at Andy Otte's the other day and got it back in operation.  Not producing any water, but still looks nice, especially on windy day like today.

Have about decided that
last winter did this in!

This was a picture I had been sent this winter.

This little cabinet is on the side of the drive to the Hospital parking lot.  It resembles some small "library" kiosks I have seen, but this has food stuffs.  It says "Take what you need.  Leave what you can"  The smaller print says - (Please leave only non-perishable food items or personal hygiene items.  If you have a larger donation or question, please call 542-xxx-xxxx. Thanks.)  I ride by it on my recumbent trike nearly nightly and it appears to change some, so somebody is using and/or leaving stuff.

Yesterday our next-door neighbors came over for a chat.  Hadn't really visited with them since we got back from Texas and they got back from Florida a month or so ago.

Our lawn and driveway, in fact everything, is covered with the seemingly millions of Maple Tree seedlings fluttering everywhere in this high wind today.

Thanks for this one, LaRhoda

GROANER'S CORNER:((       The Perks of Being Over 70::

Kidnappers are not very interested in you.
In a hostage situation, you are likely to be released first.
No one expects you to run into a burning building.
People no longer view you as a hypochondriac.
There is nothing left to learn the hard way.
Things you buy now won't wear out.
You can eat dinner at 4 PM.
You can live without sex but not without glasses.
You enjoy hearing arguments about pension plans.
You have a party and the neighbors don't even realize it.
You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge.
You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room.
You sing along with elevator music.
Your eyes won't get much worse.
Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay off.
Your joints are a more accurate meteorologist than the national weather service.
Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can’t remember them either.
Your supply of brain cells is finally down to manageable size.

Michigan Lawyer: "Well Barney, so you want me to defend you? Have you got any money?"
Barney: "No sir. I ain't got no money, but I do have a 1928 Ford Car!"
Lawyer: "Well you can raise money on that. Now let's see, just what do they accuse you of stealing?"
Barney: "A 1928 Ford Car."

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