Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Lincoln trip

 83º in La Feria and 74º here in Clarinda now at 9:30 am Tuesday.  Well, with full blown is now 9:45 am on Wednesday--is 75º now here in Clarinda with bright sunshine.

Got our first flower off the transplanted Peonies by the deck.

Last Sunday we drove to Lincoln, NE and had short visit with our Niece Angie and her son Michael, as well as my brother Roger and his wife Carolyn.


We met at a restaurant for lunch.  Michael refused to take off his mask, or to eat or drink anything.  Oh the hazards of a 11 year old.
Phyllis had this chicken "slider" -- quite a creation sitting on bed of French fries.

Had a little time to visit at Roger & Carolyn's house in northwest Lincoln.

On our way back to Clarinda, we drove thru Riverton, and then drove around a bit in Coin.  Friends from years ago, Darrell & Francis Murphy (with her sister) were sitting on back porch and we stopped for a good visit.  Hadn't seen them for the 27 years since we left the Elevator in Coin in 1994.  They are having some health problems.

Yesterday I gave my first blood donation since my open-heart surgery two years ago.

Got these two "Good Morning" photos this morning of our great grandkids.

Hadn't seen brother Roger for a year, and haven't seen brother Don for two years.  Plan on going for a short visit with Don & Vicki in Cape Girardeau, MO next week.

Will get to see/hear a few days of music at Wahoo, NE on our way to Callaway, NE for my 60-year Class Reunion near the end of June.


Will post again, sometime.  Lynn

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