Friday, March 19, 2021

New Great Grandson!

 67 degrees at 10:30 am here on Friday.  

Wednesday it got a little warm - 92 degrees at 4:20 pm, with the usual high winds.  Cool front came through later in the afternoon and by 8:30 the next morning it was 56 degrees and has  been relatively cool since then.

Attended the Men of A-Chord practice in Mission, TX on Tuesday, which turned out to be the last one for the season.  Though this was the 5th one this spring at that RV Park in Mission,, a man who said he was representing the park there came in and said we could not be in the building without masks.  After a little discussion about the fact that we all had both Coronus Virus vaccine shots, were isolated from anyone else in the building, and the state had loosened the proviso about masks, the man said that didn't matter, if we wanted to stay there we had to mask up.  Singing with masks is no fun and muffled to hear each other.  We finished the session with masks and said we would reconvene at our usual place in McAllen the first Tuesday in November.  There were less at this gathering and many were going to go north within the next couple weeks, anyway.

For the last 4 years we have carpooled with Bob Weise who lives in Snow To Sun RV Park in Weslaco (and is from Gladbrook, Iowa).  When we had performances in recent years we usually rode together with him and his wife Marcia.  Had not seen her this year so after we got his neighbor Denny Hill unloaded we went with the Weise's to  Ranch House Burgers on south International Boulevard there in Weslaco and had a good visit.  Marcia is recovering nicely from hip replacement surgery earlier this year.

 Should have started this blog off with the good news that we had a new great grandson, David Thomas Long, at 1:47 pm yesterday in Cedar Rapids, IA.  8 lbs, 6.2 oz. - 20 inches long.

In deep thought

Some shuteye.

Think Dad is proud?

Still hauling off frozen cactus from the back yard.

Making plans for our heading out the 2nd day of April.


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