Monday, March 1, 2021

First of March!

 59º with misty rain falling here in Kenwood at 2:00 pm Monday.  Shut off the A/C - had run it over the weekend -- reached 90º yesterday and close to that Saturday and Friday.  Changeable weather, that is for sure!  As usual, click on photos to enlarge.

Discovered that water running off
roof of the house was causing rot
on window casing on Texas Room.
So, fashioned a short awning
over it - see if it will help.

This is on roof over Texas Room where
old awning meets new awning (9 years ago)
and added some rubber caulk to avoid leak.

Decided to look on
my Kindle to see 
books I have -- was
amazed.  Always 
download free ones
of non-fiction.  Have
read several of these
but have many to go.

Am reading on two different hard-back books as well as keeping one going on Kindle.  Going to have to bear down more to catch up on those above that I haven't read.

Till next time, Lynn

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