Saturday, March 6, 2021

3 weeks till heading north

 7:00 pm.  Was up to about 70 during the day with cloudy until mid-afternoon.  Click on photos to enlarge.

Not a lot going on this last week.

Today is Doris Winter's birthday
and we are going to pick her up and
go out to eat and visit in the afternoon tomorrow.
Usually celebrate her birthday and
Harold Neher's, which is Sunday, 
together; however, Harold is still
up in Kansas so we will do the
best we can.

Since we were a week into building up immunity from our 2nd Coronavirus shot, we went to our first Men of A-Chord barbershop chorus practice for the 20-21 year.  They had 2 practices before, 6 attending the first and 11 the 2nd.  We were part of 13 at this practice.  Will have 3 more before the break for the summer.

After dropping off Bob Weise and Denny Hill at Snow to Sun RV Park we went to Nana's for our supper.

Spent much of Wednesday getting new cell phones and getting info transferred to new ones.  Also switched carriers.  T-Mobile has a senior plan which is quite a bit less than we had been on with Verizon.  Verizon also has a senior plan, but only applies to residents of Florida!  With T-Mobile's unlimited data we will not have to be buying extra when we travel as we have had to do.

Friday we were in San Benito for a regular check-up with doctor and were only a short distance from the Longhorn Cattle Company Barbeque, which we had not been to this year, so had supper there.

They have a new logo on their building; used to be a stick drawing of a steer.

This is a close-up picture
of the Palm Bush showing
the damage from the freeze.

This afternoon I cut back the Palm Brush and

the  bougainvillea plant beside it.

With only 3 weeks until we will head north, starting to plan our route and several stops.  Also, having the house treated for pests Monday and have 6 other places lined up for the Pest Control man to treat.  Several trailers and motor homes have left and a few of the people in permanent places are making plans to head north.

I will add this photo from 10 years ago that I put on Facebook recently from the "memories" that they brought up.  So many people in this photo not in the park this year.

GROANER'S CORNER:(( The composition teacher asked the class to write about an unusual event that happened during the past week. Little Johnny got up and read his essay. It began, "Daddy fell into the well last week..."  "My goodness!" the teacher exclaimed. "Is he all right?"  "He must be," said the boy. "He stopped yelling for help yesterday."


Wouldn't exercise be more fun if calories screamed while you burned them?

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