Thursday, July 11, 2019

In Stratford Iowa

Bright sunshine in Stratford, Iowa Thursday morning.  Tuesday listened to some good music off a flash drive of Steve Martin.  Had gotten the music from Cam and really enjoyed it.

Got here Tuesday after driving in some pretty hard rain.  Sun was shining when we set up with 30 amp electric so can run A/C.  Drove to Boone in afternoon and were going to have supper with Bill and Twila Oberholster, but on calling them found they had been at hospital in Des Moines and he was worn out.  Had a port put in so they can start Chemo right away.  Will be 5 days a week of radiation and 1 day a week of Chemo.  On top of having COPD they have found a cloud on his lung that has been determined to be a fast growing Cancer

We ate supper in Boone and then stopped at an assisted living facility there in Boone  and visited with a long time family friend of Phyllis' Marilyn Cosoti.

On Wednesday we drove to Fort Dodge and visited with Betty Schneider who winters with us in Texas.  Her daughter Diane from Omaha is staying with her for a few months.  Nice visit and some good pie.

Was able to listen to some good jamming music at trailer near ours during the day and in evenings.

Festival begins this evening.

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