Sunday, May 12, 2019

Little more rain

54º here in Clarinda at 7:15 pm Sunday -- Phooey with the no rain in the forecast.  Got another .25" overnight.  And, here is the sky to the southwest when we came home from church, but hasn't rained since.

After lunch Saturday we drove to Villisca to the Lutheran Church where Mavis Herzberg was celebrating her 80th birthday.  Got to see and visit with many people, though there were people still coming when we left.  Were expecting Cam's sometime in the afternoon.

Just starting

Saturday evening fixed some steaks
on the grill for the Bazes, Cams, Ash & Jessica. 
'Bout ready for the dinner table.
Though it was a bit chilly, they visited a bit on the deck
while I finished with the steaks.

Patty between her parents, Fred & Fern Baze

Ashley, Jessica, Cameron & Phyllis

Jessica getting her hair fixed by her grandma Patty

In choir room prior to church service

At cookie and coffee after church service

Grandma Great with Jessica and a little cupcake
 This morning we ate at the Chinese Buffet in Clarinda.  Fern joined us, but Fred, not caring for Chinese food didn't.

After Cam's took Fern home, they returned for some left-over food items and picked up their stuff and headed back to eastern Iowa.  Jessica had to sit and think about whether she wanted to go home.........................................

This being Mother's Day, was good to have the kids here.  Michelle called later in the afternoon and visited with her mother.  Also talked with her about our visiting her the 10th to 12th of August.  That will be part of a trip that will include our seeing the Kenwood folks at State Center at the Summer Rally the first week of August, visiting Darlene Winslow in Michigan, spending time in Door County Wisconsin, attending a Bluegrass Festival in Pine River, MN, visiting Dick & Deanne Messer and Bob & Bobi Raab in Minnesota before heading back to southwest Iowa.

Here is a gem I picked up on Facebook this Mother's Day:

When God created woman he was working late on the 6th day.......
An angel came by and asked." Why spend so much time on her?"
The lord answered. "Have you seen all the specifications I have to meet to shape her?"
She must function on all kinds of situations,
She must be able to embrace several kids at the same time,
Have a hug that can heal anything from a bruised knee to a broken heart,
She must do all this with only two hands,"She cures herself when sick and can work 18 hours a day"
THE ANGEL was impressed "Just two hands.....impossible!
And this is the standard model?"
The Angel came closer and touched the woman
"But you have made her so soft, Lord".
"She is soft", said the Lord,
"But I have made her strong. You can't imagine what she can endure and overcome."
"Can she think?" The Angel asked...
The Lord answered. "Not only can she think, she can reason and negotiate."
The Angel touched her cheeks....
"Lord, it seems this creation is leaking! You have put too many burdens on her"
"She is not is a tear" The Lord corrected the Angel…
"What's it for?" Asked the Angel..... .
The Lord said. "Tears are her way of expressing her grief, her doubts, her love, her loneliness, her suffering and her pride."...
This made a big impression on the Angel,
"Lord, you are a genius. You thought of everything.
A woman is indeed marvellous"
Lord said."Indeed she is.
She has strength that amazes a man.
She can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens.
She holds happiness, love and opinions.
She smiles when she feels like screaming.
She sings when she feels like crying, cries when happy and laughs when afraid.
She fights for what she believes in.
Her love is unconditional.
Her heart is broken when a next-of-kin or a friend dies but she finds strength to get on with life"
The Angel asked: "So she is a perfect being?"
The lord replied: "No. She has just one drawback
She often forgets what she is worth."
-author unknown

Nuff said, Lynn

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