Monday, April 1, 2019

Even more rain -- April Fool's Day

53º with light rain still falling at 3:00 pm Monday.
Rained through the night and morning
again - dumped about 1.5" of rain at noon.

Went to Progreso, MX this morning to the dentist.  Had
our teeth cleaned and Phyllis had work done to get a
crown put on this Wednesday. 

Spent about 19,000 pesos between the
dentist and pharmacy.

African violets at the Pharmacy

Some of the African violets at the pharmacy.

At the Pharmacy

At the dentist's office

Very small crowds at the stores and at the border crossing

With the rain, and wanting to park the pickup under
the carport, have put the trikes in the Texas Room.
Starting to get some of the window insulation up.

Waxed part of the pickup yesterday - just did the left
rear fender now.

When I was painting on the Texas Room Friday I
trimmed some of the shade tree.
Well, more later, Lynn

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