Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Rainy rest of week here

46º with rain here in Clarinda on this Tuesday morning 4-30-19.  Had .2" this morning and Phyllis had dumped .8" couple days ago, which might have been from two days of rain then.  Forecast is for rain off-and-on for the next week.
Back yard by deck.

Mowed the lawn yesterday, with the predicted rains coming up.  The heavy grass/leaves that were mowed when we first got home last week have pretty well "rotted" away, or whatever that stuff does.
West of house, looking south towards street.

Front yard, looking east by street.

West of house, looking north.

Front of house -- these evergreens are trying to cover the house!

I did finally get the flower-bed fence up!

 Sunday morning we sang in the choir (meeting at 8:15 am for an 8:45 am service) and after service visited at a 90th Celebration for Marge Anderson {she is center of photo at left}.

In afternoon we went to Golden Rod Nursing Home for celebration of Kenny Garrett's 90th birthday.
Deb Tornholm at left, Kenny Garrett in center and
Linda Naven, Kenny's daughter at right.

 Working on shelf to put under television to raise it above DISH Box and DVD player.

 Sunday evening we went to Vicki & Dale Fulk's here in Clarinda and played Pegs & Jokers with them.  They are just learning, but doing fine at it.  The guys and gals split winning the games.

Am uploading various videos taken week ago when at Cam's in Marengo.  You can see them HERE

GROANERS CORNER:(( An 85-year-old widow went on a blind date with a 90-year-old man. When she returned to her daughter's house later that night, she seemed upset. "What happened, Mother?" the daughter asked. "I had to slap his face three times!" "You mean he got fresh?" "No," she answered. "I thought he was dead!" 
Many years ago, in the south pacific, there was a small island kingdom that was ruled by a kind and benevolent King. Each year, on the King's birthday, the residents of the island gave the King a new throne as token of their love and respect for him. And each year, the King would put last years gift up in the attic of his small grass house. After many years of ruling the island, the weight of the large number of birthday presents stored up in the attic became too heavy and caused the house to collapse down on the King. Moral to the story is: He who lives in grass house, shouldn't stow thrones.

More another time, Lynn

Sunday, April 28, 2019

At Summer Home almost a full week.

44º at 12 Noon Sunday here in Clarinda, IA -- was 38º when woke up this morning.  Is 82º in La Feria with high predicted of only 82º!

At Choir practice Wednesday

At Choir practice Wednesday

At Choir practice Wednesday

After choir practice Wednesday we went to the Clarinda Square Dance at the Garfield School gymnasium

Friday - filled couple of shopping carts, getting our
summer home stocked up.

Trying out an over-the-air antenna.  May give up Dish

Cleaned the gutter area where the two
roofs come together while had ladder out.

Fancy Bird Feeder Cam gave Phyllis

Thursday evening spent a while at the HyVee parking lot where the Police Department and Fire Department had equipment out for display, along with the 24/7 helicopter that is stationed at the hospital across the street from us.

Got some of the flower-bed fence up.
Will add more next time, Lynn

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Getting settled in our "summer" house

71º here in Clarinda, IA at 4:45 pm Wednesday.  Last few days have been busy.

Stopped in Villisca, IA on the way
 home from Marengo, IA on Monday
 and hadlunch with Mary Jo
Herzberg.  Hadn't seen her since
last September just before we left
 when we visited with her and
 Oliver.  He passed away
in February this year when we
 were on the cruise near Central
America..She is looking good and 
doing fine, with this
 major change in life.

Had gone to Church with granddaughter Ashley & her husband Heath and our great granddaughter as well as son Cam and his wife Patty on Easter Morning Sunday in Marengo.
Ashley's live only a few blocks from the church so we walked from her place.on the fine weather morning.

After church Heath's parents came out to Cam's and with the nice weather we all watched Jessica hunt Easter Egs.
Patty, Tom and Sheila Long.

Heath talking to Jessica, Ashley, Derek (Emily's BF) and Emily 

Derek, Emily, Phyllis, Lynn

Cam, Patty & Tom

First stop when returning to Clarinda
about 1:30 Monday was at the
airport where an RV Dumpsite is

Taking the flowers out of the entryway

Backed the trailer up to the garage
for a few hours while we transferred \
many things.  Freezer and refrigerator
were full, and all the "stuff" from our
6-months travel.
Moved the trailer to where it will set a few weeks and got on the lawnmower.  Could have bailed some prairie hay if had the right equipment.

This is what I was working with.

Window covering down from the winter.

Hanging back in the window.

Before started putting things on the deck.

Filling the hot tub (the first time)

Had some leaks in the hoses near the motor, had
to drain, move the tub slightly, and start over.

Planting Corn across the street from us.

Planting Corn across the street from us.

Lots of small branches down -- cut these into pieces as
I picked them up.  Can now mow all the grass.
GROANER'S CORNER:((  Pete and Mick were in court and standing before the judge on a charge of fighting.  "Why can't this case be settled out of court?" the judge asked.  Pete looked up at the judge and said, "That's what we were trying to do, your honour, when the police interfered."
Late one night at the insane asylum, one inmate shouted, "I am Napoleon!"  Another patient asked, "How do you know?" The first inmate said, "Because God told me!"  Just then, a voice from another room shouted, "I did NOT!"
One fisherman to another, "You should've seen what happened yesterday at the lake."  "What happened?"  "I caught a twenty-three pound salmon!"  "Were there any witnesses?"  "Yes, of course! If there wasn't, it would've been thirty-three pounds."

Heading to choir practice and the square dance here in Clarinda.

Later, Lynn

Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...