Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Cool, cool

58º with heavy overcast at 2 pm Wednesday

Today is Doris Winter's 80th birthday and tomorrow is Harold Neher's 92nd birthday.  We went out with them and Raabs to breakfast at Los Leon's in La Feria for breakfast this morning.

Noticed the limp leaves - guess it was colder than we thought
went to Barbershop practice yesterday.

Went by this pickup on fire on way back home from
Barbershop practice Tuesday.
Been cool and wet for many days.  Have Meet and Greet at 4:00 pm and then Pot Luck supper at 5:00 pm and then go to Pegs & Jokers at Butch's place afterwards.   Way too busy for being retired.

Flyer is out for Goldwing Express cruise next year.  Looks like it will be going out of Los Angeles.  Will have to think over whether we want to fly out and back to do this cruise.

Later, Lynn


  1. Hey, I am having enough trouble with 80 don't make me 82!

    1. Sorry about that. Have been under the weather and this is the first I have looked at it so just picked up your note. I have changed it. You look younger already


Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...