Friday, December 7, 2018

First week in December

75º at 9:00 am Friday, heavy overcast, humidity 85% with thunderstorms predicted for later in the day.
Finally, after almost two months, I got around to
putting cover on the tires.  Think I am going to get new tires
before we leave in spring, but have the covers, so are on.
Food line at our first, of the season, Pot Luck Supper

After the pot luck supper we had the Raab's, Neher's and Darlene Winslow over for the first of our weekly Pegs & Jokers Wednesday nights.

Thursday afternoon Phyllis MC'd the Welcome Back Fiesta program that was a longer version of Meet & Greet with the staff providing some food and several games 

Several people were blind folded and then asked questions about how
they would sell the product that they couldn't see.

All of these were "blind product sellers"

Last night was our first-of-the season "Bean Bag Baseball night.
Only 6 to a team, but all seems to enjoy.

Going, in a minute, to first choir practice of season.  Our minister, Rev Baker, won't be here as they are with their broke-down motor home in Houston waiting for parts, but they have gotten a retired minister in the Valley to fill in this Sunday.  If Bakers get their giddy up go they will be here next week.

Later, Lynn

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