Friday, December 1, 2017

Into the last month of 2017

Foggy right now with temp of 62º - look at the highs for middle of next week!

Have to put one of latest pictures of GGDaughter Jessica from Facebook. 

First of our Wednesday night Pegs & Jokers game

LaRhoda, Bob and Bobi with Harold

Harold and Phyllis
At Ice Cream and announcements Sunday evening

At Ice Cream and announcements Sunday evening
Sanding and getting ready to paint window frames

Used last of the "race track" boards to finish the "log cabin" look
to some of the walls in the Texas Room.

GROANER’S CORNER:((   A guy goes to the psychiatrist.  "Doctor," says the guy, "I feel as if I'm many different people with totally different personalities!"  "Do you think I need help?"  "Can you help me?"  "Am I doing the right thing seeing a psychiatrist?"  "Whoah!" says the doc. "Please, one person at a time."
- What happened at the vampires race?
It finished neck and neck!

- What's a vampire's favorite drink?
A bloody Mary!

- Why did the car stop when it saw a ghost?
It had a nervous breakdown!

- What do vampires sing on New Year's Eve?
"Auld Fang Syne"!

- How do ghosts learn songs?
They read the sheet music!


Later, Lynn

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