Thursday, December 21, 2017

Interesting week

71º right now at 9:00 am Thursday with predicted high of 82º here in La Feria, TX.
Phyllis has been kept very busy, getting to the office before 8:00 am and usually finishing  late in the evening.  She had ladies put on a "cookie Exchange" this week which was well attended.

I have kept working on the Texas Room, painting around the window frames and building shelf even with the window sill.

On Tuesday we went to Progreso, MX so Phyllis could have the tooth work checked  that she got a week or so ago.  I had some "minor" pain on what I thought was the implant I got several years ago.  Turned out it was the tooth beside it and about 3.5 hours, 2 root canals, removing a 8-tooth bridge and replacing it with a temporary 9-tooth bridge later we returned home.  Had hoped to go to Magic Valley Men of A-Chord barbershop chorus practice that afternoon, but that plan was changed.  Still working with a bit of pain.

Lee Miles (at left with wife Helen) in photo taken a couple years ago.  Lee has had a lot of health problems, being unable to go back to Illinois this last summer so he could continue with the health care here in the Valley.  Lee passed away December 14th in a hospice house in Weslaco.  On Wednesday morning a memorial service was held in the Rec hall.

Lee had been here many years, alone after his first wife died, and finally with his second wife (a high school sweetheart) for many years.  He would ride the bike up and down the street,
"Mr. Lee"s bike and trombone

stopping to talk with anyone who was outside of their RV unit.  Though we share the same last name, we never came up with any direct relationship between us.
Lee's Obit

Yesterday was blood drive here at the Rec Hall, but with my system being full of antibiotics for the mouth work they declined to drain any from me. 

Had pot-luck supper at 5:00 pm, which was well attended, and then we played Pegs & Jokers with the neighbors afterwards.
Many in Poncon's Bar danced to the live music

Eating Lonches in Poncho's Bar in Progreso
on Tuesday just before my "head work"

On Friday night Phyllis went to the entertainment at the hall.

Office group celebrating Manager
Rosie's birthday

From Facebook - Daughter-in-law, grand daughter
and great granddaughter.  Don't know what was funny!

In a bit I will drive Phyllis to Mission, TX to Riverside Club for a luncheon and meeting with Valley Activity Directors.  She has lined up a boat ride on the Rio Grande River from that location sometime after the first of the year and this will give a chance to scope out the place before she takes a group over there.Click HERE for Riverside Club

GROANER'S CORNER:((   A kindergarten teacher handed out a coloring page to her class.  On it was a picture of a duck holding an umbrella.  The teacher told her class to color the duck in yellow and the umbrella green, however, Bobby, the class rebel, colored the duck in a bright fire truck red.  After seeing this, the teacher asked him, "Bobby, how many times have you seen a red duck?"  Young Bobby replied with "The same number of times I've seen a duck holding an umbrella."
- “Circus dogs fly through the air with the greatest of fleas.”
- “Did you hear about the lost sausage? It was the missing link.”
- Women are the quickest to learn the three R’s. This is R’s, that’s R’s, everything’s R’s.
Later, Lynn

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