Friday, February 10, 2017

Last morning on cruiseship Carnival Valor

Our music entertainment by the Gold Wing Express
while on board the Valor
Audie Baldridge - 85 year old
singer from Colorado

Click on any photo to enlarge.  Sitting on deck in sunshine writing this, started about 9:00 am Friday as we are rocking-and-rolling a bit with the ship heading north.

We happened by one of the photographer's stations when
they were gone (must have a dozen or more photographers
taking your picture at every turn- then you can buy them) so used
their backdrop for this photo, thanks to photographer Patty.
On "old" bus being driven the couple miles from the ship
into Progresso, Yucatan

View from ship - far line is road/bridge into Progresso in the distance
Sun - cloud, to the west as we were sailing yesterday.

Over the last 45 minutes have tried to load a lot of pictures, but not having much luck.  This ridiculously high priced WIFI they have on Carnival is for the birds, both in the price and the way it works.  For instance, even though I paid an outrageous price for the "middle" level, I can't get on KMALand - need another $37 to do that!  Have sat by the pool, tried to get into the library (Private Function going on) and finally sat in the auditorium to work on this.  Mostly watched a lot of old people getting around with walkers, canes and electric scooters.  Of course up by the pool there were a lot of kids, including a mother fawning over her wonderful kids adnausium.  Waiting for session on how to handle baggage getting off the ship in the morning.  We have decided to just pull our own on the way out and not let them pick them up and have to search for them on the dock.

This morning they had about every animal that can be made out of folding towels around the pool that was near the breakfast buffet where we ate.

Freddy (on right) and Sheila (on left) with Paul from Gold Wing
put on a real good guitar performance last night.

Add The Gold Wing - after their wives had put T-Shirts on them

Gold Wing in their Indian Headdress near end of last night's performance.
Well, had bunch more photos to add, but this Blogger won't let me now.  Am sitting in auditorium listening to instructions for debarking tomorrow morning.

Maybe more later (who knows?)  L

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