Tuesday, February 7, 2017

In the Gulf on Carnival

Not excited about Carnival - or at least this shipValor.  Temperature is 77 degrees with humidity at 97%, but must admit haven't been outside since about 6 am.
Click on pictures to enlarge.

This was taken a bit ago.  It was just noted on the TV we are moving at 20 knots.

 After quite a bit of standing in line at the dock in Galveston Monday morning we boarded about 12 Noon.  Spent several hours sunning on one of the decks.

Spent the required time standing at our Muster Station F and listening to procedures in case of emergency.  Years ago, when we did this, we were required to wear the life vests, but not now.
Going to our room on the 7th floor of this 12 story ship

Appetizers at supper last night

I took a walk between 5:30 and 6 this morning.  Was very windy on the higher decks.

We ate breakfast at the buffet this morning before going to the Gold Wing entertainment program.

One of the entertainment groups today.
Tonight is dress-up night at the dining room and a long Gold-Wing entertainment program from 7 to 11:30 pm.  We dock sometime in the night on the island of Cozumel where will be docked all day tomorrow.

Later, Lynn

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