Sunday, February 26, 2017

50+ Anniversary party

64º this morning (Sunday) about 8 am.  Only got to 74º yesterday, much better than the 90º + days we have been having.
Jessica at 8 months old


Warm day in Iowa -
outside on the swing.
Just got this off Facebook - looks like a nice day
in Marengo, Iowa this afternoon
Last night was our annual 50+
Wedding Anniversary party.
Only Pa & Lois Sumner celebrate
their actual 50th this year.

These park members were recognized - more than 50 years.

As Activity Director, Phyllis made the program

Pat & Lois will celebrate 50 years
on April 1st this year.

We had our photo taken last night.

Couple in the park sang several love songs.

 Don did the MC work for the program, giving many jokes concerning marriage.   When he thanked the people for putting on the program, he also mentioned Phyllis as "Athletic" Director of the park rather than Activity Director.  Got a laugh, though he said later when asked about it he didn't realize he had done it.  He apologized at church this morning for it.
Lois Sumner at the cake/ice cream line after program.

Theresa, front row, played piano for the program.

more of the people, as leaving the program.

Rev. Paydon and wife Linda - then Lavonne Greene
 Well, it happened again -- I left the computer as was headed to church where we sang in the choir.  Then, we went to The Bamboo Garden, a Chinese Buffet in Weslaco.  Is now 83 degrees out, but very overcast and strong wind, so is not too uncomfortable -- don't have the A/C on.
Pat and Lois's daughter from near Dallas, Pat Sumner, Virgil
Green, Patty Steckelberg, and Phyllis.

Linda and Don Foote, Lynn & Sharleen Stivers

:Lynn & Sharleen Stivers and Theresa Van Ownen  (her husband
Bill, beside her was missed with the photos)

Phyllis and myself.

After eating we went to DonWes Flea Market - this group
was entertaining

I stopped by our Veggie Man Joe's booth - he posed
as a strong-armed man for the photo.

After about an hour I caught up with the girls.
Visited some with a man from Chillicothe, MO who is selling both over-the-air TV antennas that supposedly will reach 175 miles over fairly flat land.  Thinking about doing that at our Clarinda house and cutting the expensive Dish Network.  He also sells a modem that will give you most TV programs streaming over the internet if you have a good high-speed internet without any cost, after buying the modem and program, for the TV programs.  Would need the antenna for local stations.  Will explore it some.
More later, Lynn

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