Sunday, February 26, 2017

50+ Anniversary party

64º this morning (Sunday) about 8 am.  Only got to 74º yesterday, much better than the 90º + days we have been having.
Jessica at 8 months old


Warm day in Iowa -
outside on the swing.
Just got this off Facebook - looks like a nice day
in Marengo, Iowa this afternoon
Last night was our annual 50+
Wedding Anniversary party.
Only Pa & Lois Sumner celebrate
their actual 50th this year.

These park members were recognized - more than 50 years.

As Activity Director, Phyllis made the program

Pat & Lois will celebrate 50 years
on April 1st this year.

We had our photo taken last night.

Couple in the park sang several love songs.

 Don did the MC work for the program, giving many jokes concerning marriage.   When he thanked the people for putting on the program, he also mentioned Phyllis as "Athletic" Director of the park rather than Activity Director.  Got a laugh, though he said later when asked about it he didn't realize he had done it.  He apologized at church this morning for it.
Lois Sumner at the cake/ice cream line after program.

Theresa, front row, played piano for the program.

more of the people, as leaving the program.

Rev. Paydon and wife Linda - then Lavonne Greene
 Well, it happened again -- I left the computer as was headed to church where we sang in the choir.  Then, we went to The Bamboo Garden, a Chinese Buffet in Weslaco.  Is now 83 degrees out, but very overcast and strong wind, so is not too uncomfortable -- don't have the A/C on.
Pat and Lois's daughter from near Dallas, Pat Sumner, Virgil
Green, Patty Steckelberg, and Phyllis.

Linda and Don Foote, Lynn & Sharleen Stivers

:Lynn & Sharleen Stivers and Theresa Van Ownen  (her husband
Bill, beside her was missed with the photos)

Phyllis and myself.

After eating we went to DonWes Flea Market - this group
was entertaining

I stopped by our Veggie Man Joe's booth - he posed
as a strong-armed man for the photo.

After about an hour I caught up with the girls.
Visited some with a man from Chillicothe, MO who is selling both over-the-air TV antennas that supposedly will reach 175 miles over fairly flat land.  Thinking about doing that at our Clarinda house and cutting the expensive Dish Network.  He also sells a modem that will give you most TV programs streaming over the internet if you have a good high-speed internet without any cost, after buying the modem and program, for the TV programs.  Would need the antenna for local stations.  Will explore it some.
More later, Lynn

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Hot, Hot, Hot

93 degrees here in La Feria, TX this afternoon.  Click on photo to enlarge.
Bougainvillea in the back yard
11 of us from Kenwood drove to Redfish Recycling in Brownsville, TX this morning
Part of our group, with tour guide on the right.
Baled items after sorting.

Baled items after sorting.

Items all mixed together directly from trucks that gather - a conveyer
belt is underneath this against the wall.

Items on their way up above, to sorters.
Crew sorts over side to bins below
Baled items after sorting.

Baled items after sorting.

Baled items after sorting.
Bloom on a cactus in back yard

Same bloom, showing how much the plant has spread.

Photo we had taken in December for a Photo-Directory for the park.  Due to lack of interest, it won't
be published.  I put it up as cover photo for our Facebook page - had several mention lack of my mustache 
Patty & Phyllis at supper last night.  Phyllis had just got her new hair-do.
Patty will be flying back north next Tuesday.
Had our Iowa Pot-Luck luncheon on Monday in the Friendship room at the Rec Hall

After the meal we had meeting for this summer's Kenwood RV Rally.
It will be at Lola's in State Center August 8-11, 2017 with Jerry and Lillian Witt
as chairmen.  Anyone who is or has stayed in Kenwood RV Park is welcome.
Table saw with added wheeled frame I have been using.

Frame removed - will put this on yard sale next week.

We ate at Pelican Station in Port Isabel near South Padre Island
Took this a few minutes ago - 16% humidity and still 90º at 6:00 pm
Going to play Pegs & Jokers at our house tonight with the usual Wednesday night group.
More later, Lynn

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Warm weather in the Valley

85 degrees under a very bright sun in La Feria, Texas as I start this at 4:10 pm on Friday afternoon.

Pulled up this map and drew lines on it where our Carnival Ship went last week.  Hadn't realized at the time how close we were to Cuba.

Phyllis, as Activity Director, worked much of Tuesday with many volunteers setting up tables, decorating, etc. for the annual Valentines Dinner for the park.  After the supper it was announced who was voted for as King and Queen.  Our neighbor Ardel Finken, from Indiana was the King and Phyllis was the Queen.

Basket for drawing winner.

Some of the table decorations.

Some of the table decorations.

Phyllis setting out things.

These dipped marshmallows were desert

Coy, on the right is in our park, and with a
bluegrass friend provided some entertainment.


At our table before being served - Patty is in the middle.

I and Phyllis - with LaVonne & Anna Mae from Missouri

the "Bus Stop" skit - 2 ladies putting on
make-up, one classy, the other frowzy

Our neighbor Darlene played the frowzy one (in the old gray wig)
and they put on quite a show.

Well, things got away from me -- it is now 2:15 pm Saturday - 87 degrees and really bright sunshine outside.  Had been very tight fog this morning when we left of Progreso, Mexico (In the state of Tamaulipas just south of here across the Rio Grande River this time instead of  Progreso,Yucatan where we were last week on the cruise) with Patty and neighbor Darlene.

Darlene trying on a dress (she bought a different one) - in Mexico

Two young lads working at polishing shoes.- In Mexico

We stopped at the Bakery

Hey! they changed their color from bright yellow to this bright Orange

I had to model a hair clip - think it was bought for our great granddaughter

"The girls" buying stuff at the ribbon/frilly shop

These Mexican pigeons really hold tight to this sloped dome.

Perceptive of the photo above.
After getting back across the Rio Grande River we ate at Nana's
Last night we ate at The Longhorn Cattle Company in San Benito
with Phyllis' cousin Jan and husband Lynn.  They are starting their
way home to farm south of Lincoln on Monday with some stops
in the Hill Country NW of San Antonio to spend a few days
with one of the neighbors from Nebraska. (by the way, Patty
and Phyllis brought enough of their "stuffed potatoes" home that
we will have at least one meal for the three of us)

Have to put in recent picture off Facebook of our
Great Granddaughter up in Marengo, Iowa
Another Facebook photo - our home-town square dance
club at their Valentine's Day dance.

Thursday afternoon a good sized contingent of Canadians put on the Meet and Greet program at the Rec Hall.  --  At right Phyllis is making some of the Activity Director announcements - Beside her is Merv Staufer who headed up the program.

Merv had many give-aways - including these above that
he announced were Canadian Fork & Spoons.

I was one of the blindfolded Americans who got involved in this.
Merv displays the Cod Fish we each kissed while blindfolded. (we
were told later that we had actually kissed a plastic pack of frozen peas)
We also each drank a shot of Rum and then were awarded
Certificates of being an Honorary citizen of Newfoundland, Canada.
While we were in line for the food, and while we were eating,
we were read listing of many achievements by Canadians and many
music or movie stars from Canada.  At the end of the program
we all joined in singing the Canadian O'Canada and then the Star Spangled Banner.

I don't recall if I posted before about the latest on my garden - here I cut some lettuce and spinach for a salad.

The tomatoes where growing up through the bird netting and hitting a ceiling at the recycled screen door I had on top, so I elevated the screen.  Since doing this I now have 4 tomatoes growing above the bird netting.
This is the one lone tomato we have eaten.

I had oil changed at the local Chrysler
dealer and walked around the pickups they
had on the display floor.  This 3/4 Ton pickup
is priced at $73,275 -- Maybe it is an age thing,
I can't believe ever putting that kind of money
into a vehicle.

Well, it is 4:05 pm Saturday - I guess almost 24 hours after starting this.  Must close off.
---Later, Lynn

Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...