Friday, January 13, 2017

Wind, Wind, Wind in the Valley

69º in La Feria, TX as I start this post at 7:00 am on Friday.  Had windows open with fan pulling in air all night.  Little different from a week or so ago when had furnace running and electric blanket turned on during the night---with windows tight shut.  For the last 5 days or so the wind has averaged in the mid to upper 20 mph range all the time with gusts as high as 48 mph.  Settles down overnight, but comes back up in the daytime.  10 days or so ago Record high temperature readings were made in the Valley and then about a week ago record low temperature readings were made.

Click on any photo to enlarge.
While getting gas at Sam's club yesterday, got to reading this sticker on the pump.  $.384 of the price of gas (paid $2.08 yesterday) is Taxes.  And noted that Federal tax on Diesel is 6 cents higher than gas.  Explains a little of the difference in price.

This gentleman gave us a 40 minute tour of Channel 5 TV KRGV
in Weslaco, Texas on Wednesday.

Some of the many monitors in one of the "back rooms"

Green screen to the right for the weather person - part of
the desk set in the background

All the lights overhead - aimed at the 5 or so different
sets where cameras can be aimed.
One of the main cameras in front of the
main news desk.  Note all the lights above.
Most of our group - listening to the morning weather
girl in photo below

The morning weather girl telling about herself and her
daily work schedule.  This is her first job out of college -
came from central Florida - been here 3 years.
There were 20 Kenwood people on the TV station tour.
9 of us went to Nana's in Weslaco afterwards for lunch.
Here are Maxine - from Ohio - and Kathy - from Kansas

Phyllis from Iowa - and Deane and Dick from Minnesota

Lillian and Jerry from Ohio and Lynn from Iowa.

Lynn from Iowa, Bill from Kansas and Maxine from Ohio

Rueben was our server and he is quite outspoken.
Rueben took our photo outside.  Bill & Kachy Connally from
Kansas, Jerry & Lillian Witt from Ohio, Maxine Koch from Ohio,
Lynn & Phyllis Miles from Iowa and Dick & Deanne Messer from Minnesota

Rueben taking our picture.

Well, got interupted - is now 2:15 pm - 81 degrees with "feel like" of 84 degreed.
Went to choir practice then helped move some material from the rec hall to the workshop and since was given okay to take the old race track for salvage I hauled it from the spot it has been in since last March to the back of my place.
Have part of the bolts out- still working on it.
Imagine I can use the 1"x 4" boards for something.

This is what it looked like on the lot a hundred feet
or so south of us before I started taking it apart.

Thursday Phyllis put on a program at Meet & Greet, showing the
work that is put on making quilts.  The ladies have made
over 4,000 quilts since their program started some 16 years ago.
Here two ladies are using sewing machines putting blocks together

These quilts were completed that day - and some of the smaller
items made by the ladies and brought in.

Phyllis at left - the sewing tables.

Table where the blocks are laid out to be sewn together.

Table in center has the sewn blocks, with under-sheet and
the filler material (large white thingy) is pinned together

Tying the three layers together.
Phyllis talking to the room

Pillow case dress - made by

Quilts for the "chance tickets"

Wall hanging people can
buy chance tickets on.

We didn't go to bean-bag baseball last night - first time this season when we were at the park.  I also didn't go with the guys to eat out today while the ladies all went to "Red Hat" program.  Was good thing as it took me couple hours to move the scrap wood over behind our place.

Maybe more later, Lynn

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