Monday, January 30, 2017

End of January coming up

73º here in La Feria, TX with bright sunshine and little wind at 2:52 pm as I start this.
One week from today we will be boarding our ship in Galveston, TX.
To pick up Patty Steckelberg from the airport here in Harlingen tomorrow morning so she can spend a month with us--including the 5 days on the cruise ship.
Finished this very interesting book
I borrowed from Deana Messer

Another book of Deana's I am done with.
This cat was at the library in Spencer, Iowa,
north of us for some 17 years.

Am reading this book of Deana's now
A book of Deana's I am reading.  It has a lot
more information that the move "Sully" does
about the flight that went in the Hudson River

With weather a little wet and cool the last few days did quite a bit of reading.

Phyllis at her job as Activity Director for the Park

Phyllis working with the outdoor sign of events.  We are replacing this sign soon.

I am building interior wall in the Texas room
by laying 1"x3" boards flat

Worked some more this
morning on getting screen
over the end of roof above gutter.

Our Great Granddaughter Jessica - on her
7-month birthday

Phyllis working with the Care & Share ladies making quilts

Harold and Phyllis

Marion and Harold

Saturday evening we played Concentration card game at the neighbor's to the west and the neighbors to the east joined us.

Ardel and LaRhod
More later, Lynn

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