Friday, May 27, 2016

Rain and more rain

66º with rain in Clarinda, IA at 3pm Thursday.  I dumped 1/2" of rain from the gauge this morning when I went to the hot tub----and I dumped another 1" out about a half-hour ago.  It was sunshine most of the morning and early afternoon, though.  I planted some lettuce, sprayed "Home Defense" bug stuff around the outside of the house and in the crawl space under our bedrooms/bathrooms.  Have had a bit of an ant problem since we got back this spring.  Big, black ants, though they are never moving very fast.  I had done a spray job the day after we got here in early April and apparently they crawl through it to get in.

Had phone call from our friend Bill Oberholser in Boone, IA (we visited him and Twilla a little over a week ago).  He had happy news that the checkup on his pace-maker regulator thingy that was inserted under the skin on his chest a month or so ago checked out fine.  He was now released to drive, so Twila will get a rest from being the chauffeur.

Well, got sidelined and it is now 6:30 am on Friday.  Stormed and rained most of yesterday afternoon and overnight.

About 2 weeks ago, on a Sunday that was Patty Steckelberg's birthday, we took her to Red Oak for lunch at the Pizza Ranch.

Happened on to Lowell and Sylvia Schaaf who live in Griswold.  Lowell was square dance caller for many years and taught us square and round dancing back in the 1970's and again
in the 1990's.  He has retired from calling, but has served several rural Methodist churches for years.  He said he is now retiring from that.

Patty, the birthday girl.
She has now caught
up with Phyllis in years.

Few photos taken from the kitchen
table of the bird feeder.

Yesterday I was able
to get the flag I bought at
Pella Tulip Festival
mounted on the front
of our place.

A few pictures from the Baby Shower
last Sunday.
 putting diaper on a bear

Ashley and a quilt she got.

Ashley and Emily
 Last Sunday
evening pizza.

Phyllis, Ashley and Emily

Grandson-in-law Heath and son Cameron

Lynn and daughter-in-law Patty

This Thursday the Glenn Miller Birthplace Society Festival starts and we will probably be helping with ushering and such.  You can see the schedule HERE      Come and listen to some great Big Bands.
Later, Lynn


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